Logic Models: Love 'em or hate 'em? Let's talk!
Hello all - Maryn Boess, Total Logic Model Nerd here! Putting the final touches on the training, "The Change Map and the Logic Model," and got to thinking. I think lots of folks (sadly) have had bad experiences with Logic Models and I get that! But there's a reason I'm a Total Logic Model Nerd - and I bet at least a few of…
Field of Interest Fund
Our foundation has one field of interest fund and we have had a question about Board insurance come up. The field of interest fund has it's own Board of directors and committees and they are overseen by the foundation staff and BOD. The fund has been paying D&O insurance which can be quite expense for a small organization…
Best Grantseeking Advice?
Looking back on your career as a grantwriter / grant professional - What is the best advice you've received? What's some of the very best advice you would give to someone new to developing grant proposals?
Scholarship Fund Minimums and Admin Fees
Hello, We are considering changing our minimums for donors wanting to start Scholarship Funds. We are also considering changing the annual administrative fee for scholarship funds. I was charged with the task of gathering information from other Community Foundations. I would appreciate your input on: What is the minimum…
What gaps do you see in scholarship opportunities for students?
We are currently evaluating our general high school scholarship fund to see if we are making the best impact for our local students. I am reaching out to other foundations, counselors, local students, but wanted to see if any of you have any data or information on what kind of student is being missed by scholarship…
Moving recurring donations to CSuite/Stripe
One of our community foundations recently went live in Community Suite and is in the process of transferring all of their community funds from their current payment processor to Stripe. One fund in particular has a large amount of recurring donations in the legacy credit card system and the advisors are reticent to make a…
Does anyone offer application coaching?
Hi all, During this year's selection process one of our evaluators noted that he could see potential in several applicants but their written responses were not as strong as other more talented writers and therefore their evaluation scores were lower. His recommendation was to coach these students through the application…
Examples of addressing the challenge of difficult application forms - #FixTheForm
There has been a lot of great input on how grantmakers can #FixTheForm (see @KariAanestad and the great work GrantAdvisor has been doing here: http://blog.grantadvisor.org/fixtheform/). And it's great to see that several funders are taking action and starting to share their complete application in advance. What examples…
Congratulations to the June Top 10!
Congratulations to @KentWeimer, @LucyPoludniak, @eliseparma, @CelesteCarlson, @SaraPalmer, @KarenWolf, @MerrellBergin, @RandMorgan, @HeidiFindlay and @KatieBraswell! As a thank you for your contributions to our Compass community this past month, you will be entered into a random drawing for a little surprise. The winner…
Finding an investment advisor for the small but growing community foundation
Any referrals for fiduciary or OCIO investment advisors, specializing in community foundations with less than $2mm in investable assets and in need of investment policy development and endowment fund setup? Preliminary research finds a limited pool, ranging from shaky to possibly credible.
New Team Member- Turner Rowland
Hello everyone! My name is Turner Rowland and I am one of the new team members here at Foundant Technologies in Bozeman, MT! I live in Bozeman, but I am originally from Key West, Florida. My background is working with nonprofits and our grantseeker software, GrantHub, but I have now moved into a full-time sales and…
New Team Member Introduction
Hi Everyone, My name is Austin Case and I'm one of the new Team Members here at Foundant Technologies. I live in Edmond, OK and my background is in accounting in Energy. I love to workout, play golf, travel and spend time with my family and friends. I'm looking forward to meeting and working with you all!
Career Resilience - Questions
Earlier this week we had a chat with grant professionals about the challenges we face and how career resilience is so important to succeed and advance in the grants profession. We're curious about your thoughts on career resilience. -- How do you define career resilience? -- Why is resilience an important skill to…
New Team Member Introduction - Lauren Andryshak
Hello everyone! My name is Lauren and I am a new team member at Foundant. I work remotely from Camillus, New York. I am a recent graduate of University of Maryland Global Campus. In my free time I enjoy both indoor and outdoor activities. Hiking with my dog is something I try to do as often as possible. But I also love to…
#TuesdayTip: Credential Badges
Credential badges are a great way to find others in the community with specific expertise. Click on the badges to see who has earned them, or to request it for yourself! Accredited Estate Planner Certified Public Accountant Certified Financial Planner Certified Fund Raising Executive Certified Grant Writer Certified Grants…
Credential Badges
Credential badges are a great way to find others in the community with specific expertise. Click on the badges to see who has earned them, or to request it for yourself! Accredited Estate Planner Certified Public Accountant Certified Financial Planner Certified Fund Raising Executive Certified Grant Writer Certified Grants…
Community Engagement Specialist - help us find a unicorn!
We are investing in the community and WE’RE GROWING! The Chaffee County Community Foundation (CCCF) is looking for self-motivated and community-minded individual to join its team as our owner of all things marketing and communications – our Community Engagement Specialist. This position will increase CCCF’s capacity to…
Director of Marketing and Communications (Durham, NC)
Triangle Community Foundation is hiring a Director of Marketing and Communications. You can see more details and apply here: https://trianglecf.applicantpool.com/jobs/585670-197466.html
Chihuahua Mutt Coincidence!
This week I found out an admin I work with (Rachel Costello) at Pembroke Philanthropy adopted a chihuahua mutt around the same time I adopted a chihuahua mutt! Meet Olive and Frankie:
Best time of the year to make the switch to C-suite from FIMS
Hello, We are planning our conversion timeline and would like to reach out and ask what was the best time folks actually went LIVE. Year end? First quarter? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Marnie Christopherson DSACF - Duluth, MN
Hiring: Chief Financial Officer
ArtsMemphis - the primary funder and convener for the arts in Memphis, TN - is hiring a Chief Financial Officer. Learn more at Careers (artsmemphis.org)
My name is Joe Spence and I am an intern on the Client services team. I am from Fort Collins, Colorado and attend Montana State University. I am a passionate fisherman and a sub-par skier (I try my hardest though). Aside from fishing and skiing, I like to spend my free time coaching youth lacrosse here in Bozeman and…
Making hard copy board books
Hey, all. I compile hard copy books for our board that include applications submitted, attachments, and staff evaluation. I do a fair amount of editing to present the application information to the board in the fashion they have requested. My work around to edit and publish a hard copy of the applications and assorted…
Hello from New Foundant Team Member
Hi everyone! My name is Katie Sproles and I am a new team member at Foundant Technologies. My background is in marketing and communications and I will be the new marketing copywriter/editor. I am working remotely from Eugene, Oregon for just a couple of months before joining the team in Bozeman, Montana. I enjoy spending…
Hello from Bozeman Montana
Hey all, my name is Jason Kruger and I'm a new team member here at Foundant Technologies. I am a senior software engineer and I live in Bozeman, MT. I enjoy getting outside, photography (landscape and astrophotography), and hanging out with my family. Looking forward to meeting / working with everyone!
New Foundant Team Member- Hi from Bozeman!
Hi Compass community! My name is Anna Neikirk and I am a new Agile Project Manager on the Foundant team. My background is in Production Management for non-profit arts organizations and I am excited to help our clients excel. In my free time I like power lifting, listening to podcasts and hiking with my dog Piper. I look…
Congrats to the May Top 10! And the winner is...
Happy Friday...and congratulations to @RhondaReichert@CarolReynolds, @HeidiFindlay, @BettieStammerjohn, @JesikaEllis, @PamAmundsen, @MeganRingoen, @SonyaMarquesCorreia, @LornaSandberg, @LaurelShulman and @JulieRae. As a thank you for your contributions to our Compass community this past month, you will be entered into a…
Philanthropy and Federal Tax Legislation—A Look Around the Congressional Corner
In this article, two leading experts in philanthropy, Robert F. Sharpe, Jr. and Sandra Swirski address proposed tax changes that may significantly impact philanthropy. Are you talking to your donors about how tax changes and legislation will impact them? Some nonprofits have begun to see a silver lining in the current…
Cybersecurity Policies
Good morning and Happy Friday! We just went through our annual audit and cybersecurity issues were raised and it was suggested we create a policy. I was wondering if any one has addressed this issue and maybe created a policy we could review? Thank you for any assistance. Katie
Navigating a New Normal for Accounting Processes and Roles
Thank you to everyone who joined us yesterday for our Finance Coffee Talk: New Normal for Accounting Processes and Roles. There were many great discussions, including how to transition to ACH payments and make that process as seamless as possible. We are creating this discussion space to continue these conversations.…