Hiring - Scholarship Program Manager - Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley (Aurora, IL)
The Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley serves the Greater Aurora Area, the TriCities and Kendall County, Illinois. Reporting to the President & CEO, the Scholarship Program Manager will work with the Foundation staff, Board of Directors, Fund Advisors, and other constituents to successfully administer the…
Loan Repayment Programs
I have a call with a prospective donor on Thursday who is potentially interested in setting up a loan repayment fund for African American graduates. Does anyone have experience with this type of program and/or know of existing programs I could reach out to? I did used to manage something similar at a graduate school but…
Internal Transfer: Scholarship fund to emergency assistance fund
Does anyone have any experience asking scholarship donors to contribute to an emergency assistance fund? Some background: We launched our emergency assistance fund for students in July. It's actually been quite popular with our donor-advised fundholders and is a nice value-add that we can offer to scholarship fundholders…
HTML Editor Suggestions Please
We are going to launch a grant catalogue to our Fund Advisors next week and when I look at our finished product in Draft the font of the project descriptions is huge. I've been playing around with an HTML Editor (https://html-online.com/editor/) but the font sizes are fairly limited and I've only been able to shrink the…
On-Demand Forms
Hi! Does anyone have a suggestion/best practice for f/u forms that are needed "on-demand"? For example, so of our grantees have received a lot of media attention recently. That prompted us to develop a form for them to use to notify us when media contact occurs. Right now, i just assign a new one, once they use the current…
What COVID changes are you keeping?
I know we all made big changes in the last year because of COVID-19, so I am just wondering are you keeping any of the changes you made because they suit your organization? What changes did your organization make? What methods are you definitely going back to? What are you keeping?
Introduction of our organization and work in rural Liberia and
I am C. Christian Zarweah. I work with Give Them Hope, Inc in rural Liberia. Give Them Hope, Inc provides the platform for very vulnerable rural girls and women to improve their lives. Liberia experienced civil crisis for fifteen years. The civil war destroyed lives and properties and displaced the entire population…
Hello everyone! My name is Emma Davidson and I am a new member here at Foundant Technologies working as a client services intern. I am pursuing a major in business marketing accompanied by a minor in sustainability from Montana State University. I love to ski, hike, trail run, and hang out with my family and friends. I'm…
Canada User Groups
Information for Canadian region User Groups will be posted here, including registration links for upcoming events and recordings of past sessions.
Service Fees for Custom Grantmaking for Fund Holders
Is anyone facilitating a custom competitive grantmaking process for fund holders? If so, how are the fees charged to the fund holder and do you have any details about the process?
Sharing 990's with reviewers
Hello everyone, I am curious if anyone has tips on the best way to easily share 990's with reviewers. We're looking to easily make that information accessible to reviewers. Thanks, Garrett
Updating a Grant Contract
Hi there, I work for a small private foundation in Upstate NY. We are in the early stages of updating our grant contracts so I thought I would reach out to see if anyone has any suggestions about this process: Aside from consulting an attorney, would you recommend any other best practices or resources? Are there any…
Does anyone have an example of a Donor Survey or Donor Intake Form that they are willing to share?
We would like to use this to, not only update Donor Profiles, e-mails, phone numbers, etc, but would like to to engage and track donor interests. Thank you. Renee
Grant Catalog Marketing, Ideas, Plans for 2021
The Douglas County Community Foundation will be launching a grant catalog for our second year beginning on #GivingTuesday, November 30 - December 31 for only our nonprofit organization fund holders. I am looking for other foundations that have used the grant catalog for campaigns for ideas for marketing and promoting the…
Using Agile in Your Fundraising Teams
I'm so excited for today's webinar about using Agile methodologies in fundraising teams! Two of the things I'm excited to hear from YOU about during the webinar and here in the discussion afterward are: 1 - What are the impediments that you see in your team related to breaking down communication silos? 2 - What are the…
Award Fund vs. Scholarship
We have a potential donor who wants to create an Award Fund rather than a Scholarship Fund which looks to have different tax implications. Does anyone use Foundant to process award funds and if so, can you shed some light on how the administration of one might be different than a Scholarship?
Hello everyone! My name is Zoe Friez and I am starting today as a Client Services Intern for Foundant Technologies! I live in Bozeman most of the time, but I am home in Billings for the summer. I enjoy backpacking, skiing, fly fishing, and writing music. I look forward to working with all of you!
Public-facing DEI definitions
Please share your public-facing definitions for the following phrases. Minority-led nonprofit Grassroot organization/collaborative/coalition (a group or organization without a 501c3)
Values-Based Grantmaking: Aligning Organizational Values with Grantmaking Practices
Thank you to everyone who joined us today for our Grants Coffee Talk: Values-Based Grantmaking, Aligning Organizational Values with Grantmaking Practices! We are creating this discussion space here to continue the conversation. Please share your own thoughts and examples even if you didn't raise your hand today, we'd love…
New to the Foundant Team!
Hello Compass community, My name is Jill Pancerz and am so excited to have just joined the Foundant team this week as an Agile Project Manager! I live in Bozeman, MT and my background is in Project Management and Client Services. I enjoy snowboarding, camping, river sports, and walking my dog. I look forward to working…
Including DEI efforts in grants
Has anyone found a great, short way to make a strong statement about your agency's DEI efforts? We're going through intensive training across our whole agency and I want to share that. If funders don't ask, I'm inclined to include under org capacity but wondered what strategies folks have been using. thanks in advance!…
DEI Training and Resources
I highly recommend the DEI training certificate program from USF. The certificate program is FREE but right now there’s a waitlist because it’s become so popular. However, USF has made all of the module recordings available to the public here:…
Grant Due Diligence Policy
Dear colleagues, DCCF is updating our Grant Due Diligence Policy. If your foundation has recently updated it's policy and you do not mind sharing, please respond to this post or email me directly at loritrenholm@dccfoundation.org. Many thanks!
New Search Features!
Looking for discussions on a certain topic? Want to see if your colleagues are Compass members? Check out the new-and-improved search page! Simply enter a keyword to search, or don't type anything yet and just click "Go" to access the search page: On the search page, you can now filter by keyword, discussion title, author,…
New Search Page!
Looking for discussions on a certain topic? Want to see if your colleagues are Compass members? Check out the new-and-improved search page! Simply enter a keyword to search, or don't type anything yet and just click "Go" to access the search page: On the search page, you can now filter by keyword, discussion title, author,…
Templates for in memory of / in honor of
Does anyone have a template to share for their "in memory of / in honor of" tributes? Thank you!
Congratulations to the April Top 10!
Congratulations @RhondaReichert, @JesikaEllis, @SaraChiabai, @HeidiFindlay, @KristinRaack, @SidneySuttles, @BradMWard, @LoriMartini, @TramKieu and @JosephineMorrison! As a thank you for your contributions to our Compass community this past month, you will be entered into a random drawing for a little pick-me-up. The winner…
Research on Burnout in the Grants Profession
Hello All! Many of you may already be familiar w/ the incredible work on burnout in the grants profession by Trish Bachman, GPC, Bethany Planton, GPC, and Johna Rodgers, GPC. I'm Pat Duboise, GPC, and am pleased to join this amazing team as we continue studying burnout in the face of the the COVID-19 pandemic. As such,…
Hello from Minnesota!
Hey everyone! My name is Raelene Rueber and I am one of the new Team Members here at Foundant Technologies in Bozeman, Montana! I live in Apple Valley, Minnesota and my background is in working with Fund Accounting and Community Foundations. When I am not working, I enjoy working with animals and various fiber arts. I look…
Grant Writer working for two orgs with same email address
Hi there. I'm trying to figure out how to best help one of our grant writers. She is doing contract work for two different organizations (with no conflict of interest). She is registered with Organization A but is also working on a different grant / different grant process for Organization B. I cannot change her…