Grant Applications Samples
I'm looking for a more efficient layout of grant questions, that will improve my review process. Would it be possible for me to obtain samples of any peer credit unions foundations grant applications and outcome statements? Thanks a million.
For those of you that offer grants to the public, how do you get the word out?
I am curious about a few things: What is the most popular way of marketing grant opportunities? Do you find that some methods work better than others? What are some more creative / out-of-the-box methods of marketing your grants?
Marketing Scholarships
Hi! It seems that every year we have difficulty with our local schools advertising our scholarships. We always reach out to the guidance counselors and sometimes principals to make them aware of our scholarships, but we don't see them on their websites. We have tried marketing through various social media, but that hasn't…
Application Questions on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
What type of questions do you include on your grant or scholarship applications to be compliant with Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)? Do you also do Bias training for evaluators?
What documentation are recipients asked to provide to verify enrollment & pay scholarships?
My organization currently requests scholarship recipients to submit their school bill and class schedule in order to verify enrollment and proceed to paying out scholarship awards. However, we have noticed students are often waiting on schools for a long time to get this information. This often leads to very short…
B.A. vs B.S. - Type of 4 year Degree for Scholarship
Hi all I have a donor who would like to limit their scholarship applications to students who will be studying for a B.S. degree only (in addition to a STEM field of study - to include nursing and vo-ag). Students planning to study at a technical, vocational, business school are also eligible to apply for a scholarship -…
Non-traditional scholarships for adults seeking job skills retraining
Does anyone have experience managing a non-traditional scholarship program to support adults looking for job skills retraining? All of our current scholarships are traditional ones aimed at high school seniors or current college students. I would love to see examples of applications for non-traditional scholarships and…
Congrats to the September Top 10!
Congratulations to @ErinBaird, @AmandaHicks, @andriabaker,@andriabaker @RyanCampbell, @DanaBerggren, @KevinHeuer, @IsabelEljaiek, @TomWickersham, @MaggieHickman, and @DaynaBrady! As a thank you for your contributions to our Compass community this past month, you will be entered into a random drawing for a surprise. The…
New Team Member Introduction
Hello! My name is Ezra Weida and I am a new team member here at Foundant! I live in Missoula, MT and I have a background in customer service and marketing. I enjoy golfing, college football, and the great Montana outdoors. I am stoked to work with you all!
Family Foundation - Unrestricted DAF
Hi, Our foundation is looking to expand our fund offerings to include a Family Foundation (essentially a Unrestricted DAF). The option has been requested by two different families who wish to establish a fund over $1 million and grant out based on a grant and/or RFP cycle. The fund would have high influx of the principal…
Ciao! My name is Lisa Stachula and I am a new Client Success Manager here at Foundant! I live in Davenport, IA and I have a background in grantmaking, grantwriting, higher education and nonprofits. I enjoy cooking, outdoor activities and spending time with my family (2 boys, husband and dog). Excited to join the Foundant…
Fees for Services
Hi all, We are in discussions with a local city to possibly run their annual grant cycle through our GLM software. We would create the process, vet applications, set up evaluations and participate in a Grant Committee meeting to determine awards. My understanding is we would hold a fund at the community foundation for this…
Streamlining various grants cycles
Hi all, At Park City Community Foundation we have various grant cycles that support several of our initiatives. As we look towards strategic planning, we are brainstorming on how we might refine our various grant cycles (Community Fund, Park City Climate Fund, Solomon Fund, Women’s Giving Fund). Also, we acknowledge that…
Grant Advisor Survey
Hi there - We're interested in implementing a survey for our grantees of our LOI and Application processes. I'm wondering if anyone here has used the https://grantadvisor.org/survey.php?ein=41-6038262 in their applications? If so, how did you word the question, how do you retrieve the results and what were your results?…
Having a gratitude attitude
Hi everyone! I know how hard organizations work on crafting their fundraising appeals. And yes, I feel the pain of having 7 different managers read the ask and add their comments/edits. (As a friend says: Writing by committee is where good fundraising goes to die.) Let's talk thank you's: Expert advice is to prepare your…
Video Applications and Reporting
Hi Foundant Community! I am reaching out to see if anyone here has experience with video reporting submissions? We are specifically looking at having our partners submit a video as part of their annual report, more like a programmatic update as to how COVID has impacted their work. We are looking into the logistical…
Doctoral Research Study: Please Participate and Share
Greetings fellow Foundant Community members, I am in the final stage of my doctoral dissertation research, and I need your help! I am writing to ask for your assistance with my study to develop and validate an instrument that measures the public value and social impact created through cross-sector collaboration. I value…
Looking for how to's and tips re beginning Professional Advisor engagement
We are looking for ideas, and resource samples - if you are willing, regarding Professional Advisor engagement. We don't have a formal "program" but would like to begin reaching out to Advisors to form partnerships. Can you share any info re the below? Your answer may fit in several of questions - just posing the questions…
Reverse Scholarships
Good morning, I am interested in starting a reverse scholarship program in our area. Reverse scholarships allow graduates to receive assistance with student loan debt. Do any of you manage a program like this? If so, I have a few questions: Did you get a legal opinion before starting the program? Are you issuing 1099's?…
Program Officer vs Senior Program Officer?
I am curious how other foundations delineate the job responsibilities between Program Officers and Senior Program Officers? If you have any examples of job descriptions that would be helpful as well. Thank you!
Grant Type Interest
We are discussing expanding our Grant Type list. This is list is used both for Grant Types and for areas of interest for profiles. Currently we have: Animals, Arts and Culture, Education/Scholarship, Environment, Faith-based, Food/Agriculture, Health, Housing, Human Rights, Jobs, Maritime, Mental Health, Seniors, Youth. We…
Expected Family Contribution (EFC)
Good afternoon! I am in the process of trying to define financial need for our scholarship program. I would like to target students that will not receive a Pell grant or any institutional aid. This is part of the formula I came up with "EFC greater than or equal to 6495 and less than 20000". I am trying to target students…
Can you share your grant agreement language for multi-year grants?
We are going to start making multi-year grants in 2021 (woohoo!) and I am looking for examples of language / templates that others are using for their multi-year grant agreements. We have a solid template in Foundant for one-year grants, but would love to understand what needs to be written in there for mutli-year awards.…
Hiring - PT Accountant (Blue Bell, PA)
PT Accountant (Blue Bell, PA) The Montgomery County Foundation, Inc. a small Foundation in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania, looking for an amazing part-time accountant! I've attached the job listing but the quick information is: Part-Time Perform accounting functions We are starting Community Suite soon! HOW TO APPLY? If you are…
Website Designer
Hello! As we embark on the Foundant transition, one of the items we identified as necessary is to employ a web designer to create the necessary pages to offer the donor portal, grantee portal, donate page, etc. Would anyone be willing to share the web designer they used and their experience? We are located in the Dayton,…
How to reduce award displacement
During our webinar yesterday "Tips & Tricks for Working with Financial Aid" we shared a list of ways to reduce award displacement curated by National Scholarship Providers Association (NSPA) We hope you find the below list helpful, and continue adding ways that you are helping students to navigating working with financial…
Let's talk about federal grants!
I'm interested to hear from our community about federal grants. Is your organization competing for and winning federal grants? Or have you been unsure or unready to jump into the federal grants pool? For those who are competing for federal grants, what advice would you give about what makes federal grant seeking different…
Grants Administrator position --Field Foundation of Illinois
Hello! Please find the job description attached and information on where to send a cover letter and resume
Hybrid In-person/Virtual Meeting and Workshop Equipment
Hello everyone! At the Arrowhead Regional Arts Council we are slowly reopening our office and will be holding our first in-person board meeting in September. For the past 17 months we have held every board meeting, panel review, and workshop in a virtual environment via Zoom. As we move towards more in-person events we are…
Evidence-Based Programming
There is so much talk about using research and evidence to show that our programs are likely to achieve the outcomes we claim, but many people who write grant proposals are still looking for the best way to do that in different types of grant applications. What grant funders do you think explained what they wanted…