Grants to High School Sports and/or Club Organizations
Good Afternoon, Our foundation has been getting more and more requests from sports teams in our local area asking for grants. Some sports teams are associated with local high schools, others are independent traveling teams. Some are asking for help with purchasing equipment and others are just asking for general help with…
Public Support Test Modeling
Hello all! We're having a bit of a niche problem and wondering if anyone has insights on software or resources. My team works for an individual funder who is also associated with a Private Family Foundation. We regularly encounter situations in which funding from both entities could cause a grantee to "tip" into private…
Indirect Costs
I am looking for input on how other funders handle indirect costs in grant budgets. I would be interested in any perspectives or policies that anyone can share. I know that there is a lot more discussion out there right now on recognizing the full cost of projects and allowing for more generous indirect cost rates. Marian…
How often do you cut grant checks?
We only cut grant checks twice a month, it has been that way forever.
Is there anyone willing to share their Grant Review Committees job description?
Hello - looking to institute an external review committee and wondered if anyone might be willing to share a job description example. Thank you in advance.
Could anyone share the questions they use in their LOI process?
We've recently started using Letters of Intent (LOIs) as part of our grant process, but we’ve found that the questions we currently ask aren't providing us with enough useful information. If anyone is willing to share the questions they use in their LOI process, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for your…
How does your Foundation assess Final Reports from nonprofit and government agency grantees?
Hello! I am the new Community Investment Officer at the Hamilton Community Foundation. I'm curious how other foundations evaluate Final Reports from nonprofit and government agency grantees? We currently ask for the following: Project Goals and Anticipated Outcomes, Attainment of Goals and Lessons Learned, and Measurement…
Looking to move from an Annual Grant Cycle to Spring and Fall Cycle
Hello all, Our Foundation currently runs 1 grant cycle per year (4 different Grants), with applications opening in Feb to March. Then April/May are adjudications, decisions etc. and payments are in June. The funding usually targets projects for the summer and remainder of the year, but they can also use the funding up to…
Capital Campaign Grants
Our CF has typically not considered grant requests from nonprofits for capital campaigns for a couple of reasons, one being lack of unrestricted dollars to make such significant grants. Over the years, our unrestricted pot of grantmaking money has grown and recently we recently considered and awarded a large grant…
Categorizing Grants
I'm trying to figure out an effective method to tag grants within my various processes (both ongoing and past) so that I can categorize them based off of the social issues targeted. One idea I have is using the reporting feature to filter out certain grants but I wonder if I can achieve a tagging outside of this feature I…