#TuesdayTip: Creating Discussions / Questions / Polls!
Would you like to add to the conversations and connect with your peers in the community? You can do more than start discussions! Ask a question or create a poll by clicking the drop-down arrow next to the New Post button on the left side of any page! After choosing which you want to post, just pick out your category you…
#TuesdayTip - How to Access Foundant Product Discussions!
Have questions about how others are using Foundant's products for nonprofits? Discover helpful information from your peers in these categories specific to GrantHub Pro, GrantHub, and NonprofitCore! Here is a quick refresher on how to access these discussions:
#TuesdayTip: Add community@foundant.com to your safe sender list!
Everyday we receive Compass notification bouncebacks from servers that rejected the email because it didn't recognize the email address. That means you're missing out on email notifications from the community letting you know someone mentioned you in a post, you earned a badge, your question was answered, you were invited…
Tuesday Tip: 📸 Upload Your Profile Picture Today! 📸
Let's put faces to the names! Upload your profile picture to your Compass account and: 🏆 Earn Points: Boost your Compass rank! 🎖️ Earn the "Photogenic" Badge: Show off your style! 🌟 Create a Friendlier Community! Click your profile in the upper right. Select "Edit Profile." Click "Change My Picture" on the left. Upload…
Tuesday Tip: 📸 Upload Your Profile Picture Today! 📸
Let's put faces to the names! Upload your profile picture to your Compass account and: 🏆 Earn Points: Boost your Compass rank! 🎖️ Earn the "Photogenic" Badge: Show off your style! 🌟 Create a Friendlier Community! Click your profile in the upper right. Select "Edit Profile." Click "Change My Picture" on the left. Upload…
#TuesdayTip: Easy Access to Support Hub!
Have you ever run into an issue and went to search if other's are facing a similar experience here on Compass? If the answer is yes, you most likely went to the search bar on the main screen and typed in the root of your issue: perhaps searching "ACH payments" or "Donation Portal." While it is great to see what others have…
Tuesday Tip: Summit 2024 Badge!
Do you want to earn more points for your profile? Or, do you want to connect with others also attending Summit 2024? Show off your registration by requesting the Summit 2024 badge! Foundant is so excited to see all the new registrants roll in and we cannot wait to have everyone come together. Before and after Summit,…
Access Support Hub, right from Compass!
Did you know you don't have to leave Compass to access Foundant's Support Hub resources? Type a keyword into the search bar and click Search. The first tab of search results shows you Compass discussions mentioning your keyword or phrase. Click the Foundant Support Hub tab to search Support Hub resources on the same topic!…
#TuesdayTip: React to posts!
Any time you react to a post by clicking Like 👍️, Awesome ♥️, Agree 😀, etc. you help build and shape our community! Posts with more replies and reactions will "trend" and be seen by more people. Plus, you get a leaderboard point for reacting! If someone provides a great answer to a question, click "Yes" next to "Did this…
#TuesdayTip: Add community@foundant.com to your safe sender list!
Everyday we receive Compass notification bouncebacks from servers that rejected the email because it didn't recognize the email address. That means you're missing out on email notifications from the community letting you know someone mentioned you in a post, you earned a badge, your question was answered, you were invited…