"Virtual meetings have leveled the playing field"

Do you agree that "virtual meetings have leveled the playing field—and more board members are showing up to play?" Have you seen your Board improve its efficiency and engagement over the past year?
Kara Adams, M.Ed., CAE (she/her/hers)|Community Manager|kara.adams@foundant.com
Headquartered: Bozeman, MT| Remote Location: Chicago, IL | Direct: 312-802-1374 |www.foundant.com|
No. While virtual meetings have made it easier for board members to play during their working remote times, I have not necessarily seen that it helps overall. Still have the same forgetting, etc. Plus, most of my board members miss the camaraderie of the in person meetings. I also notice a lot more 'multi-tasking' during the meetings, and or board members not participating via camera - one or two might call in, but I notice some just turn off their cameras.
That said, I did have a conversation with one board member who works in one of the more distant (20-30 minutes out) areas from our office. He expressed how nice it is to be able to jump on remotely and not lose time from work. Though most of our meetings are first thing in the morning or late afternoon. He also mentioned that an hour on zoom is hard on his attention span.
We are also a rural area in which portions of the area lack good internet access - an issue for at least 2 of my board members.
So it is a mixed bag for us.
Bettie Stammerjohn
Executive Director
Community Foundation of Greene County, Pennsylvania