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KaraAdams (Former Community Manager)
Posts: 668 admin

I share these numbers with the team here at Foundant every week, so I thought I'd share an update with you all as well!
- Compass currently has over 2,500 members, 1,100 discussions and 2,800 replies.
- So far this year, 76 questions have received 135 answers.
- Compass has an 82.5% engagement rate (good!) with 423 contributors (wow!).
- Our most-requested badges are Dog Person and Caramel Lover.
Last week's most-viewed discussions were:
- Grant Application Time Frame, discussion started by @JohnnaMartinez
- Will you vote on my Idea Lab idea?, discussion started by @TomWickersham
- Example Language from #FixtheForm Expert Training Webinar, discussion started by @ElsieThomson
Thank you for all your contributions to this community and for supporting the work of your peers. I can't wait to see how Compass continues to grow and evolve!
Community Manager
Kara Adams, M.Ed., CAE (she/her/hers)|Community Manager|kara.adams@foundant.com
Headquartered: Bozeman, MT| Remote Location: Chicago, IL | Direct: 312-802-1374 |www.foundant.com|