Collection of Audit Files
For the beginning of this year, we've decided to look for better ways to utilize the Foundant reporting feature to track the presence of various files for use in auditing procedures. So far, we've been uploading the files (acknowledgement letters, check/transmittal letter, and approval documentation) to the Documents tab…
Reporting Fund Balances
I would like to ask if anyone reports fund balances to board members. A question has come up as to the fiduciary responsibility to protect the confidentiality of the donors' private financial information and how to take the appropriate steps to protect this information from public disclosure. All feedback will be greatly…
How does your Foundation assess Final Reports from nonprofit and government agency grantees?
Hello! I am the new Community Investment Officer at the Hamilton Community Foundation. I'm curious how other foundations evaluate Final Reports from nonprofit and government agency grantees? We currently ask for the following: Project Goals and Anticipated Outcomes, Attainment of Goals and Lessons Learned, and Measurement…
BI & Report Automation Tools
Hello! Our grants teams is looking to enhance our data visualization and reporting. I have begun researching various tools and platforms to analyze and automate some reporting functions. Curious if there are any folks who are actively using any BI or Automated Reporting tools? Perhaps any tie-ins with Foundant and best…
COI Tracking in Csuite
Hello- We are wondering if anyone uses CSuite to track conflict of interest for boards and committee. We have been looking at using the Org Roles to identify conflicts AND easily export that information for meetings and 990 prep. Example: a profile would be connected to ABC Organization with the role type "COI- Board…
Negative Spendable Balance after posting grants and scholarships
Hi everyone, Our foundation has recently discovered that we are having some grants and scholarships post thru the system without flagging us that the spendable balance will go negative. It is not consistent and we have tried various scenarios to reproduce the problem. We've reached out to support and it has been escalated…
Follow Up Form / Reporting Dates
When you fund a program, how do you determine the due dates for follow ups? I work for a Community Foundation that makes grants four times a year and requests an interim (6 month) report and a final (12 month) report in follow up forms. We made a grant to a nonprofit in June 2022, so their interim report was due December…
Multi-Year Grants
How do other funders handle reporting for multi-year grants? Do you ask for a final report only when the project is finished? We have a multi-year grant commitment from 2019 that, due to COVID, had delays in the project implementation and it has not even been started yet. The project deadline is 2026, but the final report…
Segregated Accounts - Performance Reporting
Any organizations using a program like Morningstar or Black Diamond to produce performance reporting of their investment pools or segregated accounts? If not, how is your organization preparing investment performance reports?
Grant guidelines and decision making framework for granting ARPA funds
Our organization is partnering with our county to support their grantmaking efforts for APRA (American Rescue Plan Act) funding for nonprofits. They would like to grant us $500,000 to then create a Nonprofit Economic Recovery fund. We will provide unrestricted funding to our local nonprofit organizations from this fund to…