CFC (Canada) Grants Survey

I was just filling out the Community Foundation of Canada 2019 Grants Survey. I realize we have Groups, Subgroups and Divisions in the Fund area. In Profile area we have Profile Types. Is there any where in Grants/Grantees to give them an additional designation, i.e., Education, Health and Wellness, Arts and Culture and any of the other designations that might be used. I use SubGroups for this type of tracking in my Funds. How does anyone else keep track of this information for Grants/Grantees? Is there a field where this information my be input?
Thank you for any input or thoughts on this process.
Hi @KellyScott - we use "grant type" on the fund to describe our own way of capturing grant types, which is different than CFC. We also used "profile types" for a similar purpose, as some of our funds prefer to be captured differently. However, we plan on cleaning up our "profile types" as the list is very lengthy.
To be determined, but I think what we are going to do is use Custom Fields to capture the CFC grant specific info so we can spit it out easily in a CSuite custom report and not have to manually review/change the data. Groups, Subs, Divisions and Segments can link to make financial stuff happen (not sure how else to describe it) both with Stripe and the Grant Catalogue, so we don't use those fields.
As to how we use the groups etc. ...
We use Groups to have funds appear on our website in groupings to donate to (Agency, Community Impact etc) -
We plan on starting the Grant Catalogue at some point, so sub-groups will allow us to promote on the Catalogue (unsure exactly how this works, but I know we need it :-)).
Fund Divisions we use to separate funds into Endowed - Agency, Endowed - Donor Advised, etc. - this is useful for reporting on the activities of different fund types.
And, Fund Segments we use to segment the typical granting month and whether it is typically handled as an auto grant, internal grant or recommended grant. EG: Jan-Auto (meaning the fund is designated so we can just proceed) or Jan - internal (it is an interfund to one of our operating funds) or Jan - recommends (the fund advisor normally grants this month). This allows us to do two things:
- Because some funds have beneficary's assigned to them, and by segmenting them into months and identifying them as to whether they auto grant or internal , we can use the "create spendable" option on the left-hand side of the Grants tab to create the grant. It's also a nice check on what has to happen that month for those designated kind of funds.
- Funds that don't have a beneficiary attached to them are still assigned a segment, because then we can create a custom Granting Distribution Report that shows us the typical granting month to track what has to happen when. We create the report in "notes" and have a note type of "Granting Distribution" so we can view/edit note type info on that fund (granting in progress, complete, normal action required, special action required)
Hope this info is helpful 😀
Lorna Sandberg
Director of Philanthropy and Donor Stewardship
(306) 527-7630 (cell)
(306) 751-4751 (work)
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