Polling Feature?
Wouldn't it be great if Compass had a tool that we could use to take a quick poll of users? So, for example, I could ask how many users send scholarship payments annually versus by semester. This could help inform our decision-making! So, a quick show of hands: How many would like to see this feature added to Compass?
Grantwriting Goofs: How NOT to fill out an application
I've started collecting a few gems that I've found in grant reports, applications, and even in responses to emails. I use these examples when presenting to a local university class on grantwriting best practices (eg, what NOT to do). I thought I'd share them. Maybe you might have some other examples to share as well?…
Assessing Financial Need During a Pandemic
We started a great conversation about Financial Need during this strange time. What questions are you asking students about their financial need? Are these different than your regular questions, if so how? How will use instruct your evaluators differently? Will you be working with donors in advance to discuss the concerns…
I offer services in philanthropic strategy and administration
I offer consulting services in all aspects of philanthropic strategies and administration. Specifically, I offer administrative services (I use Foundant with all my clients) to full scale docket creation write-ups/analysis and Trustee meeting facilitation. I listen to what you need as a donor and support you to help you…
Refer a Friend, Earn a Badge!
Earn the Referral Badge by encouraging friends and colleagues to join Compass! Just include the name(s) of the people you invited when you request the badge. This badge is also worth 20 points...one of our most valuable badges! By earning it, and other badges you can climb the Compass leaderboards!
Systems Thinking: Encouraging Mergers
Today during our webinar on Agile Philanthropy we discussed the idea of Systems Thinking. During this conversation the following conversation was posed. I am curious how other funders are thinking of this of this idea. "In considering systems thinking, especially during the COVID crisis, would it be worthwhile for…
Financial Due Diligence Forms
Hi all! Asking about financial due diligence best practices that others use? I'm particularly interested if anyone utilizes (and will share) a form to help walk them through assessing an organization's audits and/or financial statements? Anything that identifies particular industry standard metrics to determine financial…
Looking for contacts in the Wisconsin area to expand our collaboration efforts! Feel free to email me at andrew.dudley.shannon@dudleyfoundationwausau.org I'd be happy to start a list of contacts and send it to those who are interested! Stay safe y'all! 😁
General operating support grants
Hi all, We are just starting out with Foundant and at the same time starting to offer operating grants. If you provide general operating support grants based on an application process, would you be willing to share your grant application. Thanks, Sheila
Hello from Minnesota
Hi, I have been using Foundant for 1 1/2 years now. I work for the State of Minnesota, Department of Human Services in St. Paul, MN. I would love to connect with other users, especially if you work in government. I really appreciate what others chat about in Compass because I always find great resources, ideas and…
Scholarship Withdrawals
We have a scholarship program for dependents of employees. We increased the amount of per semester scholarship to $3,000. Several schools do not cost this much leaving the student a balance on their fee bill. I have had a request from a student for permission to withdraw the remainder to purchase supplies/computer etc.…
Foundant Admin Position Description
Hi everyone! We are currently working on developing a position description for hiring a Foundant Administrator. Foundant is our first grants management system that we have implemented in our office and we haven't had anyone in this type of position before. I'm wondering if anyone would be willing to share position…
Scholarship Scoring Rubric
Hello all, Our Foundation is currently looking into restructuring the scoring rubric of our scholarship program to make our application and selection process more equitable. For example, we looking to identify work ethic, leadership, and community service in other ways rather than using GPA and SAT scores. Does anyone have…
Implementing a Letter of Intent into our unrestricted grant process
Good morning, At Adirondack Foundation we have never used an LOI with our grantmaking processes. I would like to hear from those of you who use LOI's as to how you streamlined your process with LOI's or if it just adds one more step? We are hoping to use an LOI as a way to help us narrow down larger funding requests we're…
Share your Accounting resources! (CPA, PEO, OCIO, CPE, etc!)
During today's Finance Coffee Talk, many of you shared great accounting resources. I've listed those that were shared via the chat below. Let's keep sharing your resources and tips here, so everyone can benefit! esmartpayroll.com for W-2, W-2C, 1099-MISC, 940, 941, etc. yearli.com for 1099 and W-2 processing Gusto for…
Hello from Northwest Indiana
Hello, My name is Jessica Mace and I am the new program officer at the Healthcare Foundation of La Porte, a private, independent foundation in La Porte, Indiana. I completed the GLM training earlier this month and I am excited to be connecting in Compass now to continue to learn, share experiences and exchange ideas.
Short-term Foundant help needed
Good afternoon, we are looking for some short-term help with Foundant. Does someone have time for a short-term assignment while we look to hire a full-time grants person? If so, please reach out. Lisa Burke, JBMF, 916-212-9313. P.S. Our full-time job opening is listed on the discussion board.
Continue the Coffee Talk conversation on revelations from the COVID pandemic
Thanks to everyone's engagement today during our Coffee Talk: Grantmaking Revelations from the COVID-19 Pandemic. We appreciate the excellent questions and suggestions, as well as the discussion around ongoing lessons from the experience of vulnerable communities - both relative to COVID and to the impact of racism in our…
Program Associate position available - Sacramento, CA
Regional Groups have moved!
Don't worry...they're not gone, they've just been moved to the Resources category! We have regional groups for the East Coast, Midwest, West Coast, Canada and International community members. Use your regional group to discuss trends you're seeing in your area, share information about local laws and policies, and invite…
PT Finance Admin
We are a small CF team in Washington state, looking for a magical part time person who is a CSuite pro. I have been using csuite for a year, so you wouldn't be in this alone, but I need more time to focus on donor relationships. I've attached the job description but the quick info is: Remote Part-time / 8-10 hours a week…
Hello from Chicago!
Hello everyone! I'm Jenn Yoo from Illinois Humanities. As the Program Operations Manager, I'm excited to learn Foundant and adapt it as a tool to better our grantmaking program. Our team is excited to use Foundant as our central grantmaking and tracking tool AND to connect with you all through the Foundant Community!…
#TuesdayTip: Use @ to tag people in your post!
When posting in reply to a discussion, starting a new post, or bringing others into a thread... whenever you mention another Compass member, be sure to include an @ before their name! Just type @ and a the first few letters of the person's name to generate a pop-up list. Click on the correct name and continue your post!…
Scholarships - Survey of Applicants, Evaluators
Hi all, I really appreciated attending the Foundant Coffee Talk last week. We are considering sending a survey to our applicants about their application experience. We will also be having discussions with our Evaluators regarding this last scholarship cycle. If you already survey your applicants and evaluators, what are…
Grant Reports
Looking for some great examples of Grant reports as follow-up documents. I've got my paper grant report forms that I've been planning to integrate into the GLM as a follow-up. But I'm always looking to see if any one has a better report form, especially now that I'm doing this electronically for the first time. Thanks for…
Scholarship Payments to College/Universities
Looking to see how other scholarship providers handle their payments directly to the college/university and what workflows you have found to work best for your organization. Do you indicate on the letter sent with the scholarship check how to split the payments? We have always just said that the scholarship should be used…
Evaluations & Scoring
Hello everyone, This isn't a technical question per sae, but I was wondering how other organizations evaluate or score qualitative responses. Having just completed our very first bursary cycle I was struck by how emotional the committees members evaluations were. We all found it incredibly difficult to be scoring one…
Scholarship Application Questions/Examples
Is anyone willing to provide a copy of their scholarship applications for reference in building our own? The Foundation strives to support medical students to hopefully end up practicing and staying local throughout their careers. Do you have any ideas on questions we could ask to align with our mission? Or general…
Hi everyone! We are doing our first audit with this system and our auditor is used to Quick Books reports. I'm trying to find a detailed GL that is comparable to what their company is used to, but the GL report CSuite pulls is not what they want. Has anyone had issues like this?
Investment Activity/Revenue Share
How is everyone reporting their investment activity to their fund holders? Are you reporting monthly, quarterly or both? Do you provide interest/dividends, all gains(losses), etc or just balance and grant/contribution information? We have been entering investment information monthly, but not reporting on it until after the…