Federal Grant Management Resources

Hi Everyone!
Wondering if those of you who primarily focus on federal grants can share some of your favorite online resources with me, especially around allowable costs/regulations - anything that makes the 2CFR200 easier to navigate and understand.
Also any certifications in federal grant writing and management out there?
Stephany Hessler
Grant Management Professional
Experience in: Grant research, writing, donor cultivation. Securing private, corporate and federal funding.
@StephanyHessler Happy to share a few resources.
(1) Lucy Morgan, aka My Fed Trainer, shares a lot of great information and resources on her blog here: https://blog.myfedtrainer.com/. And I'd poke around her website, because she offers trainings, templates, and all kind of federal grant management goodies.
(2) The National Grant Management Association focuses specifically on federal grant management. They do webinars, have a few chapters across the county (maybe one meets near you), plus an annual conference that I've found especially helpful. You can check them out here: www.ngma.org.
(3) Grant Writing USA offers a two-day workshop that focuses on the 2CFR 200. Right now, all classes are offered virtually. You can check out the schedule here: http://grantwritingusa.com/events.html.
Hope this is helpful! If I can answer any questions, just let me know. ~Amanda