New to Compass? Introduce yourself!
Step 1: Share an introduction with the rest of your nonprofit community. Step 2: Read through our Community Rules. Step 3: Set up your Notification Preferences. Click the bell icon at the top of any category to "follow" it! Step 4: Post a new discussion, or reply to a recent discussion. Step 5: Refer a friend and request…
Letters of Recommendation (Scholarships)
Hello! We are currently building our scholarship application and are considering making some changes in regards to letters of recommendation. Previously, we have asked students to request two letters of recommendation and upload them to their applications. We often receive form letters and have heard from our committees…
Budgeting Software
Hi all! The foundation I work as an accountant for is looking for a fairly simple budgeting software to utilize. In past years we have used Excel to create all of our budgets but we found it to be cumbersome and overwhelming to make sure everything linked properly between individual and consolidated worksheets. We are…
Homeless student eligibility
Our Foundation is building our eligibility questions and we have a new scholarship opportunity for homeless students. Is there a best way to ask this question? Does anyone have experience with these types of scholarships?
Referral Badge - Worth double points for a limited time!
Refer a friend to Compass, and earn the Referral Badge...now worth 40 points! When you request the badge, enter the name of the person(s) you referred: When they become a member of the community, or if they already are, you'll earn the referral badge and points to climb the Compass leaderboards! This badge won't be worth…
Virtual Scholarship Receptions
Hi everyone! I'm a Grantmaking Specialist at the Quad Cities Community Foundation and part of my role entails managing our scholarship program. We are beginning to brainstorm how to host our annual scholarship reception where we bring together donors and award recipients. Typically this happens in person but we are…
Did you just LOL?
New reactions are here! Now you can LOL when a discussion gives you a nice chuckle, or you can Vote Up a very helpful reply. Reacting also gives you AND the person you're reacting to points to climb the Compass leaderboards! WIN WIN!
Hello from Grande Prairie, Alberta
I am from the Community Foundation of Northwestern Alberta in Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada. We recently switched to CSUITE. I had used GLM for a few years. We are enjoying havig both systems!😀
Looking for some example checklists on compliance prior to grant awards/distributions. Checking their tax status is obviously one. What other tasks are done in your org in the compliance column? What is your internal process for compliance? Thanks.
Building Resilience into Year End Fund Development
Hi All, Thanks so much for your enthusiastic engagement in today's Donor Management Coffee Talk focused on building resilience into your year end fund development. We enjoyed hearing all of your experiences and stories, from tackling projects of larger scale than you have before, building off of existing tools in your tool…
Paperless agreement letters
Hi All! Are any of you using electronic agreement letters? We currently email out our agreement letters and ask the grantee to sign and (snail mail) back a hard copy of the signed agreement letter. We are looking into going electronic to receive the agreement letter- however we award close to 300 grants a quarter and…
Pursuing Federal Grants
If you are new to federal grants, I'm available to answer questions you want to post here. I know it isn't easy to get started with federal grants without starting one, so no question is too basic or stupid. In addition, I've co-presented multiple trainings with Foundant - you can see them here:…
Interview Alternatives
We conduct interviews for a few of our scholarships. We cancelled the interviews for one of our scholarships which would have taken place on April 8th because the award event that follows where the recipient is announced was postponed (and will most likely get cancelled). We conduct interviews for 2 other scholarships in…
#TuesdayTip: Creative Discussion Titles
Giving your post a creative or intriguing title can encourage more replies! Here are some examples: Be Creative: Before: Replacements for in-person events After: O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou... Zoom password?? Be Dramatic: Before: I really need help with ____. After: SOS! (Someone Offer Suggestions!) Our ____ program…
Hi there from Orange County, CA!
Hi grant friends! I'm Andrea Garcia and I live and work in sunny (for now) Southern California. I currently serve as the Grants Manager at a non-profit that provides prenatal and postpartum education, support, and one-on-one visitation to pregnant women and new moms. Before this role, I worked to help fund affordable…
Moved: Policy & procedures manual
This discussion has been moved.
Hello from Montana
Hello everyone! My name is Sarah and I am one of the new Interns here at Foundant Technologies in Bozeman, Montana. I came to Foundant after seeing a job posting on one of my schools internship/employment websites. I'm a Bozeman native and I'm attending Montana State University to study Computer Science. My hobbies include…
Funder Styles: Alignment towards Impact and Outcomes
Our guide to Funder Styles - Connecting Purpose to Evaluation was created to help our community of funders create alignment and set expectations around measurement and evaluation efforts. In our work with different funders over the years, we've noticed some organizations take a storytelling approach, others track with…
Donor Engagement In the Year 2020
Thanks to everyone for your engagement during today's Donor Management Coffee Talk focused on Donor Engagement in the Year 2020. We appreciate you sharing your challenges, creative ideas, and successes. Please share additional thoughts regarding future strategy, events, and the DEI conversation here.
Racial Equity Assessment Tools & Resources
For organizations looking for racial equity research, ideas, assesment tools, and more, there is a lot to be found here: https://www.racialequitytools.org/home
Hello From Dallas
Hi, What a great site. I hope to learn much and discover new ideas. I"m the Director of Trusts, Estates and Gift Planning for Parkland Foundation, the charitable arm of Parkland Hospital. I'm also both humbled and proud to be the board chair of the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners. Thanks to @KaraAdams for…
Greetings from Maryn at GrantsMagic U!
Happy to hop in and say hi ... I'm a long-timer in Grants World (think: pre-Internet, pre-email, pre-PC, etc., etc.) and have done just about every grants-related thing you can do - grantseeking, grantmaking, everything in between and around the edges. Since about 2002 I've been focusing my work on training and in 2015…
Hello from Savannah, GA!
Hello Everyone! It's nice to "e-meet" you all! My name is Laura Lane (double first name) and I work at an organization in beautiful Savannah, GA that works with adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, commonly referred to as IDD. We prepare people with IDD for competitive employment and community…
How do, new neighbors?
Hi all, My name is Tom Barry and I am the Assistant Director of Education at the Cradle of Aviation Museum. I am here to learn as much as possible so I can help support our Museum as we navigate these choppy waters. If anyone is ever in the Long Island area, stop on by (just make sure I'm working that day first); we have a…
Preparing for Year-End: Follow-up discussion for 09-17-2020 Coffee Talk
Lets keep the conversation going! How is everyone preparing for the year-end spike in activity in a virtual world?
Scholarship reviewer anti-bias statement
Good afternoon, Do any of you have an anti- bias statement that require scholarship reviewers to agree to? If so, would you be willing to share the language? We currently have a statement regarding conflict of interest that reviewers sign and agree too, but I need to expand out policies. Thank you! Robin Cowles
We've had GLM since 2014 and love it!
We've had GLM since 2014 and love it! I appreciate that you are always making updates to make the system better. The Idea Lab is great and appreciate that you listen to your clients' needs.
PwC Accounting Guide for Not-for-Profits
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Federal Grant Management Resources
Hi Everyone! Wondering if those of you who primarily focus on federal grants can share some of your favorite online resources with me, especially around allowable costs/regulations - anything that makes the 2CFR200 easier to navigate and understand. Also any certifications in federal grant writing and management out there?
Surviving a pandemic and a recession
I"m proud to serve on the Leadership Institute of the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners. At a recent virtual meeting there was extensive discussion about the hundreds of small colleges and thousands of nonprofits that will go out of business in the current environment. It then turned around to a robust…