Seeking Strategic Planning Facilitator for new Standards for Gift Planning Success (Cross-Post)
Courtesy post on behalf of Michael Kenyon, President and CEO of the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners in Indiana. CGP has introduced a new set of best practices titled National Standards for Gift Planning Success (NSGPS). We are looking for someone to facilitate strategic work with our board to develop a…
Seeking Strategic Planning Facilitator for new Standards for Gift Planning Success
Courtesy post on behalf of Michael Kenyon, President and CEO of the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners in Indiana. CGP has introduced a new set of best practices titled National Standards for Gift Planning Success (NSGPS). We are looking for someone to facilitate strategic work with our board to develop a…
A Sustainable Pace for You AND Your Grant Team
Does anyone else ever feel like they need a reminder about what a "sustainable pace" is and how heroic efforts to get grants done aren't sustainable? I certainly have over the course of my career. Here's my question/food for thought for you. I've decided to completely close our offices for the last week of December to…
Grantseeking in 2021: Tips and Trends
Hey grant friends! Today on the Foundant webinar I'm joining an incredible lineup of grant professionals from different sectors of the community to talk about what we learned in 2020 and what we expect on the horizon for 2021 in the grant seeking and management fields. This is a great place to ask questions and share…
Has your foundation or funder sponsored a DEI training? If so, please share details.
Our Foundation launched a DEI competitive funding opportunity in 2020 to focus on four focus areas: Employment, Advocacy, Economic Development and Nonprofit Capacity. Due to a high volume of request for DEI training, we are researching options and opportunities. If your Foundation and/or Funder has sponsored a DEI…
Welcome Introduction - Hello from Idaho!
Hello Everyone, Exciting to be here among such a terrific group. I love learning and look forward to all the discoveries that other folks have made that can enrich my grant writing experience. My name is Diane Demarest and I live in Boise, Idaho but originally from the East Coast. Boise has been home for over 20 years. I…
Prospecting for Good-fit Funders
Hello Foundant Community I'll wager that many of you have your funder research approach nailed down and refined to laser precision. And I'll also bet that some of you are just getting that piece of the puzzle into place. Either way, this part of a grant professional's work is critical and continuous. It weighs heavily in…
Board Members relatives receive monetary scholarships?
Do your Board members relatives or employee's relatives receive monetary scholarships or just honorary scholarships? If so, do the funds have a specific criteria that is straight forward. For example the student of your Board Presidents son is Salutatorian.
3rd Party Question- Scholarships
I'm in the process of building a branching question around the student Expected Family Contribution (EFC) off the upload of the FAFSA report. When I tried to build the branching rule, I was unable to do so. Does anyone know how to build a branching question from a file upload? Is this even possible to do? Thanks
bmpconsulting grant development services
bmpconsulting offers a variety of services to assist nonprofit organizations in grant development. Grant Readiness: Grant readiness is your organization’s preparedness to apply for and receive grant funding. At bmpconsulting, we will work with you to determine if you are grant ready or what you need to do to become grant…
Can you recognize signs of burnout? Is it recoverable?
Can't wait to talk to y'all during and after our presentation on Burnout Thursday, July 23. Be there! Seriously. Burnout is real. And, there are things you can do about it.
Hey grant peeps!
Shoutout to Foundant for creating a community where we can chat with one another! Thanks for getting the ball rolling and inviting somany of us. I'm Amanda Day, GPC, and cohost of Fundraising HayDay, a podcast about grants and such, with my dear colleague and friend Kimberly Hays de Muga. I'm also a trainer and consultant,…
Chat Bots and Texting platforms
Wondering if anyone utilizes chat bots on their website to interact with donors and/or program recipients? We are also exploring text to give and texting program recipients if anyone has suggestions and knowledge in that space! Thanks! Sam Mueller Philanthropy Manager - Park City Community Foundation
Just Curious: Thanksgiving and Serendipity
With this year's pandemic, events of social injustice, contentious elections, wildfires, hurricanes and more, have there been any serendipitous moments for you? In spite of it all, I'm curious what you might be giving thanks for this year? I'm grateful for some tremendous co-workers who have all grown closer through all of…
Hello from Bozeman
Hello everyone! My name is Morgan Lamb and I am a new Client Support Intern here at Foundant in Bozeman, Montana. I am originally from Apple Valley, California, but moved to Bozeman to study Financial Engineering at Montana State University. I enjoy skiing, hammocking, playing tennis and hiking! I am looking forward to…
Experience administering business relief grants - specifically CDBG-CV?
Good afternoon all, The Community Foundation of Abilene has agreed to administer small business relief grants, made available to our city through CDBG-CV funds. Do any of my peers have experience in this world, and would you be willing to share info/best practices? I'm happy to connect via phone or zoom. Thanks, Michelle…
Job Opportunity - Grant Writer - Parkland Health and Hospital System
Join our team of dedicated, talented and seasoned professionals to help overcome health care disparities in Dallas County. https://www.parklandcareers.com/job/Dallas-Grant-Writer-Parkland-Foundation-TX-75201/684445500/
Job Opportunity - Grant Writer - Parkland Health and Hospital System
Join our team of dedicated, talented and seasoned professionals to help overcome health care disparities in Dallas County. https://www.parklandcareers.com/job/Dallas-Grant-Writer-Parkland-Foundation-TX-75201/684445500/
Incident Response Plan
Good morning, I was wondering if any of you have worked on an Incident Response Plan for you organization? If you have would you be willing to share? Thank you!
#TuesdayTip: Connecting with other members
To get to know more about another community member, access their Member Card! Click on any member's name to see their Member Card appear. From here, you can then access their full profile with their job title, location, bio, badges, discussions and comments. You can also send a direct message to introduce yourself. I…
Setting a campaign to sell Pavers
Has anyone set up a campaign to sell custom Pavers to sell to support community projects? By Pavers I mean bricks that are customized, usually with people's names, to be places at a location. Do you have any suggestions or resources from your experience? Thank you very much. Pam
We've had GLM since 2014 and love it!
We've had GLM since 2014 and love it! I appreciate that you are always making updates to make the system better. The Idea Lab is great and appreciate that you listen to your clients' needs.
Weighting Grant Evaluation Questions
We need to improve our evaluation process, and it has become obvious we need to weigh evaluation questions. As it stands now, rating questions on a scale of is helpful, but this does a poor job of weeding out bias. For example, I am seeing that even if there is a significant governance issue in an applying organization,…
Scholarship Coffee Talk: Learn from the past, & look to the future
Thanks for joining us on today's Scholarship Coffee Talk! You had some brilliant suggestions for your colleagues which we will be sharing here along with the chat notes and recording link. In the meantime, please continue the discussion with questions, comments, & tips.
Where do I sign up for the newsletter and how do I see past issues? I received a note with a bag of caramels saying I had been in a recent newsletter and I wasn't aware there was a newsletter. But OMG, those caramels! :)
Moved: Financial Reporting
This discussion has been moved.
Ideas for evaluation tool for client
We have a grantee who is giving out beds to any / all who "need" them. The need is determined by the person / family voicing their need - there are no "qualifications" of any sort. The organization does not collect any information from the person who receives the bed, except name and maybe a phone #. This org is run by…
Community Service Grants/International Mission Grants
Hi All, My foundation is exploring two new types of grants: Community Service Outreach - grants would go to high school academies who have customized community outreach projects needed in their areas. International Mission - orphanage, K-12 education type projects Does anyone have experience in these categories / have…
Returning to the office
I am curious how people are handling their efforts to "open" and return to the office? How many staff you have and how does that figure in to your considerations?
Hi Everyone! Happy to be joining you from Royal Palm Beach, Florida
Looking forward to connecting on topics and partnering on projects. I have 25 + years working in Grants. The first 9 years I made my way as a grant writer. The next 9 years, I became a grant maker for a local health and human service Foundation. After that, I was the Chief Grants Officer managing both grant making as well…