Spendable Balance for Endowed Funds - checking or invested - Community Suite

Hi! I am the Gifts & Grants Administrator for Whatcom Community Foundation and am curious if you all keep your endowed Donor Advised Funds' spendable balance in checking or do you have it invested with an "investment strategy" in Community Suite? We are trying to figure out the benefit to keeping it in checking if the spendable balance doesn't get used right away....

Thank you all for your input!

Missy Belles




  • BettieStammerjohn
    BettieStammerjohn Posts: 98 ✭✭✭
    Voter Scholarship Lifecycle Manager (SLM) 100 Likes 10 Comments

    @MissyBelles - We keep all our spendable in checking. Had the impression that CSuite doesn't really like that system. A colleague asked me why we would do that. February 2020 was a good reason. Our donors and beneficiaries didn't lose anything to spend.

    Works for us.


    Bettie Stammerjohn

    Executive Director

    Community Foundation of Greene County, Pennsylvania