How do you ensure that language is empowering and not exploitive?
Continuance of the webinar conversation with Grants Plus.
Hello from Orlando!
Hey everyone! My name is Jean Urena and I am one of the new Interns here at Foundant Technologies. I became interested in learning and working for Foundant after multiple discussions with a friend while navigating a career change. I have an extensive background in the mortgage industry and a passion for helping others. I…
Hello from the East Coast!
Hey everyone my name is Charlotte Kelliher and I am a new Client Services Intern at Foundant Technologies. I am originally from Quincy, Massachusetts but started school at Saint Anselm College to pursue an education in Biology. I am currently in Manchester, New Hampshire, for the school year, and I enjoy lacrosse and…
Adjust admin fees; set admin fee max
Hello all, I'm trying to 1) make adjustments to the 3Q2022 admin fees on just 9 of our 86 agency funds and 2) trying to figure out how to set a maximum fee charged to our agency fund fee groups per fiscal year. We have two fund fee groups that we've agreed to charge a maximum of $10,000 per fiscal year on these fee groups.…
Partial Funding Question
We are exploring adding a question to our grant application that asks applicants if they would be able to accept/complete their project/program with partial funding. We often partially fund applications and would like to be more transparent up front with applicants. I am struggling to come up with appropriate verbiage to…
Cyber Security Awareness Month: Always enable multi-factor authentication.
No matter what you call it, multi-factor authentication, or MFA, is a security measure that requires anyone logging into an account to navigate a two-step process to prove their identity. By adding one more simple step when logging into an account, multi-factor authentication greatly increases the security of your account.…
Cyber Security Awareness Month: Always enable multi-factor authentication!
No matter what you call it, multi-factor authentication, or MFA, is a security measure that requires anyone logging into an account to navigate a two-step process to prove their identity. By adding one more simple step when logging into an account, multi-factor authentication greatly increases the security of your account.…
Agency Funds and Scholarships
Hello All, We recently received a request from one of our agency funds to distribute funds to an institution for named scholarship recipients. My understanding is that agency funds are intended to support the nonprofit and must be distributed directly to the nonprofit. I am curious if any Community Foundations allow their…
Non-donation revenue
We have a local Art Center who is a supporting organization of ours. We currently use QuickBooks for them but would like to bring them into Foundant. They receive a considerable amount of revenue that is not donations. Currently, we only receive a small number of non-donation funds and we record them with a voucher. This…
Sports Eligibility Criteria
Hello! We have a scholarship in which participation in a sport is mandatory. We have had several inquiries as to if dance, marching band, other activities are considered a "sport." Does anyone have similar criteria and how to you define a "sport" Thanks!
Cyber Security Awareness Month: Update frequently!
Hackers can exploit vulnerabilities in unpatched software. One of the easiest ways to keep your information secure is by making sure your software and apps are up-to-date. These updates fix general software problems and provide new security patches where criminals might get in. When new software updates come out to the…
Cyber Security Awareness Month: Update Often!
Hackers can exploit vulnerabilities in unpatched software. One of the easiest ways to keep your information secure is by making sure your software and apps are up-to-date. These updates fix general software problems and provide new security patches where criminals might get in. When new software updates come out to the…
Please share your current grantmaking strategies - competitive and discretionary!
Hi! We would like to hear more about what other folks are doing currently with their discretionary grantmaking funds (FOI & unrestricted) this coming year: 1. Grant area priority areas, e.g. disaster response, human services, childcare, arts & culture, environment, education, affordable housing, etc. 2. Purpose of grants,…
Universal Fund Agreement
Hello, We are looking at revising fund agreement templates, possibly to a more universal template. Would anyone have a sample to share, as a starting point? Thank you! Sally Hermann
Looking for unique or favorite grant application questions...
Our LOIs and Applications are very similar from year to year. I am looking for some new questions that would help us learn more from the organizations. What questions would make the organizations stand out based on their potential answers? They could be very specific targeted questions or larger, big picture questions.…
Scholarship "Essay" Questions - Fixed, Choose Your Own, Short, Long?
Hello fellow scholarship providers! I work for the Pedrozzi Foundation and we provide undergraduate, community college, tech/vocational, and grad scholarships to students in Livermore, CA. We are merit based, but award higher dollar amounts to students with financial need. We are always looking to improve our application,…
Request for Proposals - Funding Available for Tribal Domestic Violence Survivor Programs
Courtesy post on behalf of The National Indigenous Women's Resources Center Request for Proposals - Funding Available to Programs Assisting Survivors The National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center is requesting proposals from tribal/ native domestic violence and /or sexual violence programs in order to sub-grant funds…
New badge! Plus, now you can search Support Hub without leaving Compass!
Here's our newest badge! Military: This badge is for any military service member, veteran, spouse, dependent or supporter. Request the Military Badge here. If you have ideas for new badges, send me a DM! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -…
Disaster Response Resources (not COVID-specific)
Here are several written resources How Community Foundations Can Coordinate Responses to Disasters Creating order from Chaos: Roles for Philanthropy in Disaster Planning and Response. Disaster Philanthropy Playbook Council of Foundations Disaster resources Webinar: The Lifecycle of Disaster Philanthropy The panelists in…
New Badge + Update your Compass Profile!
A new badge was introduced yesterday! Military: This badge is for any military service member, veteran, spouse, dependent or supporter. Request the Military Badge here. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -…
Do you measure or track scholarship impact? What metrics do you use?
NSPA has some great resources and webinars about metrics to measure scholarship impact. I'm curious if anyone here tracks or measures your scholarship programs. Some metrics I found are Student Persistence year to year, Degree Completion (both on-time and delayed), Debt at Graduation, Scholarship Renewal Rate, Retention…
Pooled Scholarships
We recently had a conversation with a new board member who wanted to know if he could donate a small amount of money for a scholarship. We had a long discussion about how we seek endowments on scholarships due to the amount of work involved….i.e. every scholarship has different criteria and is therefore a different…
Scholarship Fund Management Questions
I am trying to gauge what other community foundations are doing to manage their scholarship funds. What is your minimum amount to start a fund? Ours is $50k currently but we want to make sure that the awards from the endowment (usually 4%) are large enough to be worth it to students, so we are looking to raise this…
Introduction from Wisconsin!
Hello! My name is Gretta Kraus and I have recently joined Foundant as the Compass Intern. I am currently going into my senior year of college in La Crosse, WI at the local university. I have a double major in psychology and Spanish and a double minor in sociology and social justice. I am also a philanthropy fellow at the…
Cyber Security Awareness Month: Are your passwords L.U.C.?
It is week two of cyber security awareness month! Don’t reuse the same password across websites. If one of those sites gets compromised, hackers will try that password on other sites as well. No matter the account, all passwords should be created with these three words in mind: Long – At least 12 characters Use the longest…
Cyber Security Awareness Month: Password tips!
It is week two of cyber security awareness month! Don’t reuse the same password across websites. If one of those sites gets compromised, hackers will try that password on other sites as well. No matter the account, all passwords should be created with these three words in mind: Long – At least 12 characters Use the longest…
Hurricane Ian
With Hurricane Ian approaching Florida, I wanted to take some time to wish everyone well and to be safe for those that are in the path of this storm. I am a weather nerd who's been following this since day 1 and this is no storm to take lightly. Here in Orlando we are expecting 8-10" of rain, maybe even more in some areas,…
Scholarship policies
Based on the changing higher education environment, we are considering some changes to our scholarship policy and would like to hear from other foundations. Scholarships are a big piece of our work and we want to make sure they continue to be relevant and serve students, as well as carry out our donors' wishes. Our…
Trade and Technical scholarships
Hello! We have scholarships available to students getting a trade or technical degree or certification. There is a big push toward trade and technical fields, and we know kids are going into these fields. We also have donors willing to fund more of these types of scholarships. However, we struggle to get kids to apply.…
Family Business Scholarship Fund
Looking for guidance in setting up a local (private) family business scholarship fund. They have numerous employees whom have financial need for personal or family higher education expenses. Father who started the company, would directly pay expenses of individuals. Son is now looking to extend charity and generosity…