What changes is your scholarship program making in response to Student Loan Forgiveness?
This month's Coffee Talk focused on how Scholarship Managers are responding to the Student Loan Forgiveness program. Here are a couple of previous Compass conversations related to this topic you might want to check out: Reverse Scholarships and Loan Forgiveness Please share the changes or adjustments your organization is…
Sharing Fund info (not permissions) with non-Advisor family/descendants?
Good morning, Years ago, we had a sub-fund created in honor of "Sally" by one of our Affiliate Fund boards after her passing. The Fund supports the grantmaking activity of the Affiliate so the Affiliate is the technical Fund Advisor. The granddaughter of "Sally" now wants to get engaged with the fund and maybe help it…
Congratulations to the September Top 10!
Congratulations @edaddison, @KarenGraham, @MichelleLippart, @CameronWood , @LindaEkblad, @SarahVanMol, @halimaynard, @FaithMcDaniel, @SamirGandhi and @AnulikaOkpalor! As a thank you for your contributions to our Compass community this past month, the Top 10 will be entered into a random drawing for a little pick-me-up in…
October is Cyber Security Awareness Month: "See Yourself in Cyber!"
Happy Cyber Security Awareness Month! We take security seriously here at Foundant, and want to celebrate this month with you. The 2022 Campaign theme, See Yourself in Cyber, emphasizes that while cybersecurity may seem like a complex subject, ultimately, it’s really all about people. This October, we will focus on the…
Cyber Security Awareness Month: See it, so you don’t click it!
Happy Cyber Security Awareness Month! We take security seriously here at Foundant, and want to celebrate this month with you. The 2022 Campaign theme, See Yourself in Cyber, emphasizes that while cybersecurity may seem like a complex subject, ultimately, it’s really all about people. This October, we will focus on the…
Inflation Adjustments for Grants
Hi All, I hope I've aimed this query at the correct board. Our (small, private, Philly suburb) foundation has been wondering if it would make sense to offer inflation adjustments to grants we've given in 2022. Has anyone's organization done so? If our Board agreed to do this (send out $ on 2022 grants to adjust for…
White label marketing material company
Hi there, We're looking at companies that offer white label marketing materials for both professional advisors and for legacy society members. What are you using? We know Embolden has an option for professional advisors, as does Crescendo. What other companies offer this type of copy to make your life easier (and would you…
EFC to SAI change
After researching FAFSA changes I am in a state of confusion. I realize FAFSA changes were scheduled to go into effect on 07-01-23. I have found conflicting dates related to the EFC to SAI change. Our scholarship application opens October 1, 2022 and closes March 1, 2023. We typically ask students to list their EFC and…
Gift Entry for Checks from Retirement distributions and from Estates
Good morning, I have two questions and am looking for best practices or suggestions for both: For a check from a retirement distribution that comes from the financial company, do you treat that like a soft credit and enter the finance company as the donor and then the donor as Donor Advisor? It seems like since the company…
"Matchmaking" between Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) and nonprofits
Hi all, Our community foundation is moving into a more proactive space of serving our DAF holders, including presenting "matchmaking" opportunities to them with current needs in the community and/or in their grantmaking interest areas (which we've been slowly recording in Raisers Edge over the past few years). We do not…
Looking for a Bookkeeper/Accountant who knows Foundant!
The Thunder Bay Community Foundation is seeking a bookkeeper/accountant who is well versed in Foundant. Other duties include: Running payroll using 'Humi', record monthly transactions, reconcile bank accounts and investment portfolio, prepare monthly budget to actual reports, prepare and submit WSIB return, prepare annual…
Grant Application Review Checklist
Hi all, I just wanted to start a conversation around grant application reviews and see what others are doing to review applications. I mostly ask this because I know many of you will know that there are many components to a grant application, and keeping track of all components can be a little cumbersome. So, I would love…
Moved: Scholarships that are paid in full
This discussion has been moved.
Hello all the way from Alabama!
Hello everyone! My name is Julissa Mancilla and I am one of the new interns here at Foundant Technologies. I became interested in working for Foundant when I learned about the awesome work that the company does. I'll be honest in saying that I was slightly intimidated at first because I haven't ever worked with the…
Do you use variance power in your Agency Fund Agreement?
Hi all! We are having some conversations with our auditors about agency funds and I would love to have you fill out this little survey asking if you use variance power language in your agency fund agreements - thank you so much for filling out this survey! Missy Belles Gifts & Grants Administrator Whatcom Community…
Hello from Missouri!
Hi everyone! My name is Faith McDaniel and I'm one of the new interns here at Foundant Technologies. I became interested in working for Foundant after researching more into the grant writing space. I really liked that Foundant helps organizations maximize their impact and help others. I currently live in my small hometown…
Happy to be Here!
Hello everyone, my name is Sid. I grew up in Los Angeles and now live in Austin. I love working with data and people. I'm happy I joined Foundant and look forward to working with everyone. I'm into cars, traveling, wine, and reading history. I earned a BS (Computer Information Systems) from the University of Central…
Grants for compensations only
Has anyone written a grant just for Compensation? We are a start-up. The grant I want to apply for supports start-up costs. An Administrator is what we need most. Would it be wise to write a $20,000 grant proposal to go toward a position? Thank you
List of Canadian Foundations using Foundant
Hi! Just wondering if there is a map or list of those using Foundant in Canada?
Oh hey there!
Hello fellow changemakers! My name is Lyndsey Thompson and I am a new Client Success Consultant at Foundant Technologies. Prior to joining Foundant I spent over a decade supporting the nonprofit sector in various capacities including program management, volunteer coordination, event planning, fundraising, and grantmaking.…
scholarship reporting - awarded vs. distributed?
Hello! Each year there unfortunately is a discrepancy between the total # and $$ amount for scholarships due to a variety of factors; I'm sure many of you can relate. Curious to know how other scholarship providers handle reporting for marketing, annual reports, etc. do you use awarded vs. distributed totals? or a combo of…
Telling the Story
@JoshuaBernard and I really enjoyed facilitating the conversation at our Coffee Talk today, "Telling the Story". So I've created this post to continue the discussion! What kind of stories are you telling? Who is your audience? What is your goal in telling your story? Do you use data, narratives, or visuals? What are the…
Congratulations to the August Top 10!
Congratulations to @SkyeWeber, @MissyBelles, @MelanieRuiz, @CameronWood, @JulieKlipp, @LaurelShulman, @MichelleSchneider, @akinabioye, @JuliaDaSilva and @MargaretOwenSpiak. As a thank you for your contributions to our Compass community this past month, you will be entered into a random drawing for a surprise. The winner…
Training for Volunteers conducting Site Visits/Grant Interviews/Grant Review
Hello everyone! I am hoping to hear from anyone who provides a training or orientation for volunteers (whether they are Board Members, Grants Committee members, or community volunteers) who conduct Site Visits / Grant Interviews / Grant Reviews for grant applications. We are hoping to put together a training that addresses…
Question: Do grantmakers fund past expenses?
Hello my name is Linda, I am new to this group however I need to know for a meeting today whether or not Grant makers fund past expenses such as $5000 toward website development spent last week. Thank you, I look forward to introducing myself at a later date.
How and when do you plan for year-end giving?
Supplemental conversation about our webinar with @KristinRaack, Planning for Year-End Giving Now to Minimize Stress and Maximize Results.
Hi there from Boise!
Hi everyone! My name is Logan and I am excited to be joining as a new Intern here at Foundant Technologies. After being referred to Foundant by my partner, I became interested in working here because of the opportunity Foundant provides to assist communities and organizations in making positive impacts. I am from Colorado,…
Grant Data Collection
I wanted to start a discussion around data collection, specifically to see what kind of data you all are collecting from your grantees. I am going through my first round of analyzing accountability reports since joining the organization I am with and sad to see we aren't collecting much quantitative data; a majority of the…
#TuesdayTip: Update your profile!
Let us get to know you and put a face to your name! Visit your profile to update/complete your bio. and upload a profile picture to earn another badge! Just click on your photo/avatar and select Edit Profile... And then...