What's the best lesson you learned this year?

I don't know about you, but I can hardly believe 2022 is coming to an end. I always view the New Year as a time to reflect and set new goals. As I look back, I am reflecting on the lessons learned last year and how I might use those to help me become my best self in 2023.
Lesson 1: Quality means much more to me than quantity.
Lesson 2: If I don't have a goal, I certainly won't know when I've achieved it. Set the goal-write it down-tell others who can help me achieve it. Celebrate when I get there. And if I don't... re-evaluate my steps. Don't give up.
Lesson 3: Grace is a beautiful thing.
Oh, my lessons list could stretch on forever. Curious... what lessons 2022 taught you and how will apply those for 2023?
I'm proud to serve on the Leadership Institute of the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners.
At a recent meeting there was extensive discussion about the hundreds of small colleges and thousands of nonprofits that will go out of business in the current environment. It then turned around to a robust discussion about what those organizations have in common that will survive and even thrive. It came down to four things.
- They have an endowment
- They have a charitable gift planning program
- They have the sophistication or connections to accept non-cash gifts
- All front line fund raisers are trained to talk to donors about endowments, donations from estates and non-cash gifts.
Ideas to ponder and consider ways you can put this into practice. It's easier than you think. If you need help, consider talking to a gift planning consultant, such as https://fablanthropy.com - The intersection of fabulous and philanthropy.