Do you have a grant administrator to handle project management (financial & compliance)?

Looking for a job description I can tweak. We will be expanding our grants team of 2 grant writers and adding a grant administrator. Also would love to hear what your experience has been having someone in this role.
@JoanneHala Good for you!! I'm currently a grant department of 1. I do some management, mostly post award organizational meeting to get programs starting their implementation on the right foot. Our fiscal department manages the fiscal end of the grant along with the PI on the grant. They are great on watching for any restrictions on the funds and ensuring that we are using funds correctly and have correct paperwork to track spending. I wouldn't want our accountants to lighten up at all but we could surely use someone to manage deliverables and support program staff. The program managers are just too busy with all they have to do. I will share that a session from the GPA 2021 conference gave me some new insights about how I could help my programs. Catherine Hooper and Andrea Lombard from Encore Institute for Social Impact provided a great session on grant management. I'll attach a few of the tools they shared with the audience that I have found helpful. Best of Luck! Hope you'll share your job description when its complete!
THese sheets aren't very complex but it provided me with a tool when I realized that program managers weren't going back to the grant very often to refresh themselves about deliverables and targets.
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@DianeDemarest Thank you so much for your comment, Diane, and for sharing the tools.
As you say, everyone is so busy, it's challenging to be sure there is oversight of compliance at all levels
Kudos to of 1!
We expanded to 2 last year. 🙂
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In case you still want a
job description I forgot to send :)