Financial Need Scholarships - How to score
Hi! We have a portfolio of 47 scholarships we oversee, and half of them have criteria where the student must demonstrate financial need. We ask them for their household income, number of household dependents, what other financial aid they are receiving, and if there are any extenuating circumstances to their financial…
Follow-up asking for transcript and financials
We send a follow-up at the end of each semester asking for transcripts and financials before we send out subsequent scholarship payments. After you make the final payment, do you still ask for financials and transcripts at the end of that semester? I was wondering what the point would be because the money is already spent…
USWBSI Grant Admin Position Opening
Posting on behalf of the U.S. Wheat & Barley Scab Initiative (USWBSI). They are looking for a grant admin. Remote OK! Here is the link: https://hr.myu.umn.edu/jobs/ext/345894 Please reach out to Michelle Bjerkness if you have any questions Michelle Bjerkness Director of Operations U.S. Wheat & Barley Scab…
Influencing Funders to fix their forms. What should they fix next?
Have you heard about the initiative to #FixTheForm? What annoys you most about filling out grant applications? Chime in and let us know. And help give @KariAanestad and team feedback on what should be next! Fill out their survey to give input on what you think should be the next focus:
Annual Reports
Wondering if any of my grant professional colleagues are responsible for their organization's annual report. We hadn't done one in years and just did the first after many years last year. I'm working on this year's and wondering when you send yours out- what month? Do you include an ask in the Annual Report or have it be a…
2022 Social Media Plans and Strategies
Hello Nonprofit Friends. I was just reading an article about 2022 State of Social Media for Nonprofits and would be interested to learn what your YOUR social media strategy success plan is for 2022? Are you sticking with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or are you branching out with TikTok? Are you using social media for…
What's the biggest challenge of online fundraising today?
Hey, Foundant Community. Hard to believe we've been living in this mostly virtual world for two years now?(!) It's changed so much of how we all work and deliver our services, and it looks like things keep changing. What are you guys seeing as your biggest challenge when it comes to fundraising now? The competition for…
Scholarship Applications
Does anyone know if there is a requirement to obtain the date of birth, gender and citizenship for a scholarship applicant? Our current scholarship applications ask for this information, but I couldn't find anything online that says it's required. Thanks in Advance! Jennifer Brambley
How are you keeping your volunteer pipeline full?
Here's an article from one of my favorite newsletters that discusses volunteer engagement, building relationships with volunteers, and keeping your volunteer "pool" full. What does your organization do to support volunteers in supporting your work?
First Pass Evaluation
Does anyone have a good resource for evaluation questions for a first pass evaluation? Looking to simplify process with a few simple questions that allow us to rank recommendations before taking a deeper dive in the review process through the 2nd evaluation.
How Are You Building Relationships in the Time of COVID?
During our 2/2/2022 Coffee Talk, funders shared how they are building relationships in this time of COVID. We heard from funders how they are sharing donor stories, taking walking meetings, setting up team art groups and many other creative ways to re-energize and stay connected in our hybrid and remote environments. We'd…
School and Student Name withheld in Fund statements
I'm curious to know if any of your donors have given you feedback about the new format for scholarship fund statements, now that the statements don't give any student information. In previous years, our scholarship fund statements indicated the name of the college or university. When we switched to CSuite, we were only…
Would your grant recipients be interested in learning more about Foundant’s newest solution?
Do your grant recipients struggle with their technology, connecting data, and collaborating across their organization? We are excited to announce the launch of Foundant’s newest solution, NonprofitCore, designed specifically for the unique needs of nonprofit charitable organizations, NonprofitCore enables nonprofits to…
Congratulations to the January Top 10!
Congratulations to @JulieKlipp, @HaileyCarmerLaMaster, @AshleyButler, @BorisKievsky, @DeirdreMcLoughlin, @SusanSchroeder, @SofiaRomeo, @AaronKennerk, @MimiKim, and @JeannineBogaard! As a thank you for your contributions to our Compass community this past month, you will be entered into a random drawing for a surprise. The…
How are you recharging your battery?
These past years have been a rollercoaster of "fill-in-the-blank". What are some of the ways you are re-charging your battery and energizing your team? We can all benefit from sharing innovative ideas that refresh our souls and allows great and impactful work to flourish.
What is your organization's plan for attending events and conferences this year?
Hello Philanthropic friends. As we roll into 2022, would like to learn your game plan for attending LIVE nonprofit conferences and events this year. I always found conferences energizing and loved connecting with peers from around the country/world! It appears that LIVE events are making a comeback after a long COVID…
Making applications inclusive for individuals who are visually impaired
How are you making sure that your grant/scholarship applications are inclusive of the visually impaired? Do you create another version of the online application that is accessible to assistive technology such as a screen reader?
Can you answer an unanswered question?
Help a fellow Compass member and support our Compass community by responding to an unanswered question! Bookmark this link: community.foundant.com/discussions/unanswered OR Find Unanswered Questions under your Quick Links: If you answer a question, request the Solution Finder, Rule Breaker or Game Changer badges for 10…
Hello Everyone!
Hi All! My name is Abby Elliott, and I am new here at Foundant as a Client Services Intern. I have heard such positive things from friends that work at Foundant which is the reason behind me applying to the company. I grew up in Billings, MT, but my folks now live in a small town up north called Chester. I am attending MSU…
Opportunity: Full-Time Operations & Office Manager for CF of Central Wisconsin
Courtesy post for @JenRiggenbach! The Operations and Office Manager is a full-time position. The goal of the Operations and Office manager is to ensure smooth operations and seamless customer services to internal and external constituents. They are responsible for the overall office management and administration, including…
Grant Types
We are currently working on refreshing our current list of grant types in order to best categorize what our donors are interested in. For example, we split education out further into private, public, and collegiate and added categories for social justice, racial equity, and women's advocacy. The team here brought up the…
Good interview questions
Hello, We are hiring a new staff member who will lead our Foundant expansion. We are not getting any applicants who have direct CRM experience. I'm looking for good interview questions that would help us learn if someone has transferable skills.
Introduction - Gavin Patton
Hi, My name is Gavin Patton and I will be joining the Foundant team as a Client Services intern. I am super excited to be joining Foundant and helping clients. Some things about myself: I love to swim competitively and have been doing so for 11 years. I love many kinds of foods, but I would say my absolute favorite is…
Bequest Best Practices
Hi there! I am hoping to learn more about bequest practices from other community foundations. I am curious as to what internal forms/process are used by other foundations? Is there anything others have found to be particularly useful in navigating planned giving, particularly if there is no signed fund agreement? Are…
Donor Advised Evaluations (2)
The OCCF is in the process of finalizing our first SLM scholarship process. We usually have the scholarship committee score applications and bring those scores to DAF committees for the selection process. How do you easily share the scores with the DAF's? Or do you find another process works better? Thanks for your help!…
Looking for more grant seekers
Hi everyone! Our Foundation is looking for more grant seekers. A) Do you have some great charities in the arts, education, or community development areas looking for additional funding this year? Could you send them my way? B) What's the most effective way you've found to alert those in need to your Foundations? TIA!
Vote on idea to inactivate Grant Types & help with 2022 data clean up
It's 2022 and my org is now 3 years into using the GLM and CSuite - lots of learning since we started. We would like to mark some grant types we had at the beginning as "inactive" as they no longer are doing the trick, but they are attached to historical grants, which we would like to keep. If you are in a similar…
Struggling with Attendance
Good afternoon Compass family! Looking to revamp some of our questions on our application and struggling with one question/answer in particular.... how to ask about excess absences or tardies that show on an applicant's high school transcript?? I would really appreciate to hear how you ask this question on your…
2021 Compass Recap!
Thank you all for a great year and your contributions to our community. Seeing you use this space to help one another by answering questions and sharing resources is inspiring. I can't wait to see what 2022 brings. Let's keep the conversation going, and keep maximizing our impact on the philanthropic community! -Kara,…
Scholarship Payments and Policies
Dear colleagues, Weld Community Foundation is in the process of reviewing our Scholarship Policy, specifically regarding payments to cover cost of attendance versus qualified education expenses and also whether to allow institutions to provide refunds to the student. If your foundation's scholarship policy specifically…