Could you share your Universal Scholarship Applications?
We're building out a universal application for our 2021 scholarships and I'm looking for examples of universal scholarship applications. Would anyone be able to provide me with a copy of their application? The question list pdf version would be great. Thanks!
Development Committee Responsibilities
Hello everyone, I have been at our CF for about 18 months. I want to re-envision our Development Committee's job description (it is currently non-existent). Does anyone have templates they could share of what is working well for them? We are currently a committee of 4-6 (myself as the Development Officer, our Board Chair…
ACH Payments
We usually send checks out to pay our grantees but need to move to ACH due to COVID 19. Are any of you using ACH and how do you collect the checking info? We are trying to make sure we do this securely. Any info/best practices would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and hope everyone is well!
May 15th is the Deadline for filing your organization's 990
Just a friendly reminder that May 15th (which is on a Sunday), so technically May 16th is the deadline for submitting your 990 to the IRS. If your 990 isn't quite finished, don't panic, it's easy to request an extension. Here is the web address for IRS Form 8868, Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File an…
Virtual Site Visits
Hi! I'm new to Foundant and new to the funder side of the non-profit world. I work for several foundations which fund around the country/globe and which have board members scattered about. We are investigating doing virtual site visits. Does anyone have experience with Virtual Site Visits? What worked? What didn't? Any…
#TuesdayTip: Make your links fancy!
Change your links from this: https://www.foundant.com/ To this! When including a URL in a post, start it on a new line: https://www.foundant.com/ Immediately following the end of the post (right after the / in the example above) hit Enter. That will convert your URL text into a graphic link! Note: This works for the…
#TuesdayTip: Make your links stand out!
Change your links from this: https://www.foundant.com/ To this! When including a URL in a post, start it on a new line: https://www.foundant.com/ Then immediately following the end of the post (after the / in the example above) hit Enter. That will convert your URL text into a graphic link! (Note: This works for the…
Hello Everyone!
Hi all! My name is Parker Stoltz and I am one of the new sales interns here at Foundant. I became interested in working for Foundant after hearing so many great things about the company from multiple friends of mine who currently or have previously worked here. I am originally from Girdwood, Alaska, however I've now been…
Leveraging Donation Portal to Support Fundraising Efforts
Outside of COVID19 disaster relief funds, we've never really leveraged the customization of the donation portal through CSuite/Stripe to highlight other funds and their work. As we are looking to grow our development team and the ways in which we support donors and fund holders interested in fundraising, I've wondered…
Do you have a collaborative giving group (i.e. Giving Circle or Funder Forum) at your organization?
We would love to hear more about what your organization is doing! Join us for this week's Coffee Talk! Register Here
Storytelling Questions on Final Report
I attended the Storytelling Webinar yesterday featuring the City of Muskogee Foundation. It was mentioned that the Storytelling questions they use on their final report would be posted on Compass. Where can I find those questions? Thanks! Additional, related discussion here:
Congratulations to the April Top 10!
Congratulations to @wyattjackson, @LindyWheatley, @AlisonHarris, @EliWennstrom, @JenniferAllain, @KimberleyHefner, @MandiOlson, @BrianVanVleet, @salberhasky, @KevinVahlbusch! As a thank you for your contributions to our Compass community this past month, you will be entered into a random drawing for a surprise. The winner…
A little MORE conversation around grants management!
**I really hope you are singing this title with that signature Elvis drawl.** Hello! It was great seeing so many of you in Elvis's town last week at Summit 2022! As @AshleyHarper and I mentioned in our session, we are hoping to bring a little MORE conversation and a little more ACTION to grants management (we want to avoid…
Hi everyone, my name is Jeremy Heng and I'm a new Client Support Intern at Foundant Technologies. I found out about Foundant through Ezra, another intern. I am from Missoula but came to Bozeman to study at MSU. Currently, I'm studying Computer Science with a Data Science Minor. I like to hike and play video games. I am…
Amaze your Friends: Tech Tricks & Resources
Favorite Excel Keyboard Shortcuts: Shift+Space: Select an entire row Ctrl+Space: Select an entire column Ctrl+Shift+Plus: Insert a new row or column above or to the left of the selected row or column Ctrl+Minus: Delete the selected row or column Alt+Plus: Calculate the sum of selected cells Ctrl+9: Hide selected rows…
Donor's Legal/Criminal History
Recently, a question was raised re: a scholarship donor's legal/criminal history, which has caused us to wonder: If any of you do some kind of background check into your donors before setting up a fund? How much of the scholarship awardee student's personal information (if any) do you share with the donors of the…
Medical Research Grant Application Example
Hi! We are going fund medical research for the first time. Would anyone be willing to share examples of relevant grant applications they have used? Thank you so much!
Developing your grant and fundraising staff
What methods do you use to encourage growth in your grants and development/fundraising staff?
Follow Up Forms (Share the Story)
In response to some of the comments regarding the webinar, Connecting Your Impact Reporting To Your Community Through Storytelling, I wanted to share the City of Muskogee Foundation's Follow Up Forms where I add a required question for grantees to share their story in narrative form with the option to upload additional…
Please share your best videos
Hello- we are informally looking at how other community foundations use video to inspire and educate. Does your community foundation have a brief video that helps introduce a specific grant program, address how you are working DEI into your grant making, or serve as a tool to educate the public about endowments? If you…
Job Opportunity: Finance Associate
The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina, located in Asheville, NC is hiring a full time Finance Associate. Please visit our website to learn more:
Jobs: Director of Donor Services and Strategic Partnerships & Director of Communications
Hi Friends! The Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley (Aurora, Illinois) is currently accepting applications for a Director of Donor Services and Strategic Partnerships as well as a Director of Communications. Please visit cffrv.org/careers to learn more.
#TuesdayTip: Notification Maintenance
Every once in awhile, I'll remind you to check-in on your notifications so you don't miss anything important here in Compass! Click on your profile pic in the upper right corner. In the drop down, select "Edit Profile" or "Account & Privacy Settings" Under your photo, select "Notification Preferences." I recommend opting…
ACH-verify bank information
Hello, I am curious to find out how often other foundations verify bank information if grantees are set up to receive grant payment via ACH and we only grant them once or twice a year. Who verifies the account and routing number (Grants coordinators or Finance dep.) and how (email or call)? Thank you,
Do you offer a nonprofit loan program?
We are interested in expanding services to the nonprofit sector. One way to do so would be to offer loans. We are interested in identifying any foundations, particularly community foundations, that offer a loan program for nonprofits. Do you? Do you know a foundation that does? Thanks in advance for considering this…
How are you fostering relationships with your scholarship donors?
In today's Coffee Talk we discussed how Scholarship Managers are connecting with their donors to communicate the impact of their generosity. How are you using social media to connect with your students?
Do you remind your scholarship applicants of the due date?
This is my first year with our Foundation for managing the scholarships. The due date is coming up shortly. There are more drafts every day, but some have been there since it began. Is it a common task to let applicants know the due date is a week away?
Scholarships for Job Skills Retraining for Adults
Does anyone have experience managing a scholarship to support adults looking for job skills retraining (trade, technical, certificate programs)? In addition to the standard tuition, fees, we have a donor that would like to support needed supplies, equipment, etc. All of our current scholarships are traditional ones aimed…
Community Indicator Reports
Hi all! I received lots of good help and feedback on my last post, so I thought I'd post again. We are looking in to conducting a community indicator report/needs assessment for our region. I know a lot of other foundations have engaged in this area, so I would love to hear any thoughts on best practices! Any information…
Job Opportunity @ Greater Milwaukee Foundation - Grants Manager
The Greater Milwaukee Foundation (GMF) is how Milwaukee works together. For over a century, we have helped generous people give back to the community. Together with donors and partners throughout the region, the Foundation invests in the potential of people and places, supports community-grown solutions and strives to end…