Assignment of grant reviewers

ClaraHansenClaraHansen Posts: 5 ✭✭
Foundant Fan Grant Lifecycle Manager (GLM) First Comment First Compass Anniversary
edited December 2022 in Grants & Scholarships

Hi everyone - would appreciate hearing your thoughts on the following, but some background first.

We launched a one-cycle grant program earlier this year. We're about to wrap up our LOI stage and get back to applicants on whether or not they advance to the full application stage.

My question is: When you assign reviewers to the second round of reviews (for the full app), do you assign them the same proposals as they read during the LOI stage? Or do you assign them different proposals to review ? I like the continuity of reading the full app/proposals for the same ones I read during the LOI stage, but would like to know what is considered a good/common practice.

Thank you,

Clara Hansen


  • MariusDereskeviciusMariusDereskevicius Posts: 13 ✭✭✭
    Voter Third Compass Anniversary 25 Likes First Comment

    @ClaraHansen this is a really great question. So in your case, your reviewers were only assigned a handful of proposals to review, rather than ALL of them. I'm really curious to see what others say about this but from the workflows that I have seen, it's typically the same assignments. But whether that is done for consistency for the sake of the evaluator or for the ease of the grants administrator, hard to tell.

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