HTML Editor Suggestions Please
We are going to launch a grant catalogue to our Fund Advisors next week and when I look at our finished product in Draft the font of the project descriptions is huge. I've been playing around with an HTML Editor (https://html-online.com/editor/) but the font sizes are fairly limited and I've only been able to shrink the…
Service Fees for Custom Grantmaking for Fund Holders
Is anyone facilitating a custom competitive grantmaking process for fund holders? If so, how are the fees charged to the fund holder and do you have any details about the process?
Updating a Grant Contract
Hi there, I work for a small private foundation in Upstate NY. We are in the early stages of updating our grant contracts so I thought I would reach out to see if anyone has any suggestions about this process: Aside from consulting an attorney, would you recommend any other best practices or resources? Are there any…
Grant Catalog Marketing, Ideas, Plans for 2021
The Douglas County Community Foundation will be launching a grant catalog for our second year beginning on #GivingTuesday, November 30 - December 31 for only our nonprofit organization fund holders. I am looking for other foundations that have used the grant catalog for campaigns for ideas for marketing and promoting the…
Values-Based Grantmaking: Aligning Organizational Values with Grantmaking Practices
Thank you to everyone who joined us today for our Grants Coffee Talk: Values-Based Grantmaking, Aligning Organizational Values with Grantmaking Practices! We are creating this discussion space here to continue the conversation. Please share your own thoughts and examples even if you didn't raise your hand today, we'd love…
Grant Due Diligence Policy
Dear colleagues, DCCF is updating our Grant Due Diligence Policy. If your foundation has recently updated it's policy and you do not mind sharing, please respond to this post or email me directly at loritrenholm@dccfoundation.org. Many thanks!
Templates for in memory of / in honor of
Does anyone have a template to share for their "in memory of / in honor of" tributes? Thank you!
Grant Writer working for two orgs with same email address
Hi there. I'm trying to figure out how to best help one of our grant writers. She is doing contract work for two different organizations (with no conflict of interest). She is registered with Organization A but is also working on a different grant / different grant process for Organization B. I cannot change her…
Resilient Philanthropy: #FixtheForm and Application Streamline
We had a fantastic webinar today where @KariAanestad shared the work of #FixtheForm and 100 Forms in 100 Days. After talking through the initiatives, Traci R. Johnson, Program Officer at the Poise Foundation, shared the experience of streamlining their forms and partnering with grantees through Critical Needs Funding…
DAF policy / can you share your daf policy? Also, do you allow DAF holders to request grant reports?
Hi! we are looking to possibly make some changes in our DAF policy and I am hoping you all could share your DAF policy with us! ☺️ We are especially interested in any policy with regards to the amount of activity in a daf, international grant requests via a US intermediary, DAF holders who request refunds, DAF holders…
Critical Needs Grants
Hello! My community foundation is planning to implement a critical needs grant process. We are currently working on creating the parameters around this process and what our definition of a critical need will be. Can anyone share information about your critical needs grant process? Do you have a maximum amount the grantees…
General Operating Support Application Examples
Good morning, Our Foundation, the Pallottine Foundation of Huntington, is opening a new initiative that focuses solely on providing general operating support. If anyone has an application specifically designed for general operating support requests and would be willing to share it, we would be so appreciative. Thanks so…
Defending your decisions: How to stand up to those who claim you're not granting correctly
I'm curious if any funder has a protocol, practice, or tool to use when a community member says, "Hey, I don't think you're granting the way you should!" We know that not everyone is going to be pleased with your grant award decisions. And many people express disappointment. But every so often someone with privilege and/or…
Help Share New Grant Opportunity
Hello All! We are proud to be a partner with Ferguson Enterprises, who has locations all over the United States. We learned of a new grant program they launched, Building Stronger Communities, and they would like help sharing the opportunity with nonprofits across the U.S. They have asked if we can provide a list of…
Grants catalog question
Hello! What policies do your foundations employ for which organization granting opportunities are posted to your public grants catalog? We are considering only including grant applications that we didn't fund in full for the amount that we did not fund. I'm interested in hearing how other foundations have managed this!
NEA Requirements & Building Final Report Forms
I thought we might benefit from a place to discuss one of the topics from last week's Art Chat which particularly interested me. I'm interested in how you collect the data required by the NEA using Foundant. For example: How do you collect the demographic information? (During the days of paper applications, we collected…
Foundation Turn Over (Grants and Scholarships Role Descriptions)
I know one reality of Foundation work is regular turnover. I've had many conversations over the years with clients seeking advice on job descriptions for Grant and Scholarship Coordinator/Manager/Directors and suggestions on how to call out Foundant familiarity/technical aptitude in those descriptions. If you have a…
Hiring - Coordinator, Data & Info Systems - Greater Portland Metro
The Marie Lamfrom Charitable Foundation (Wilsonville, OR) is hiring a Data & Info Systems Coordinator to support our growing foundation! This person will manage our use of Foundant and support our behind-the-scenes work in building relationships with great regional nonprofits. See attached description! Application review…
Use of Adobe for Document Signing
Does anyone have experience with using Adobe's Document Cloud for grant contract signing? Is there a way to incorporate Document Cloud with documents delivered to grant recipients through Foundant?
Restricting funds committed to multi-year grant agreements
I am looking for input on restricting funds within a DAF which were committed by the donor advisor to a multi-year grant. The fund currently holds $1.3M invested in our long term horizon and $750k has just been committed to a multi-year grant agreement ($250k/yr for the next 3 yrs). The long-term horizon can fluctuate due…
Communication Schedule
On the call I heard Arts Memphis mention a communication/promotion schedule for grant programs and grant webinars. Any samples or links to great resources for developing a stronger communication schedule?
Best Practices for Youth Engagement
We are preparing to launch a new program that would invite funding proposals from local youth (12-24 age range). We want to make the process accessible and invite creative approaches for applicants to share their vision and ideas. I'm curious to hear some ideas about the dos and don'ts when it comes to getting teenagers…