NEA Requirements & Building Final Report Forms

I thought we might benefit from a place to discuss one of the topics from last week's Art Chat which particularly interested me. I'm interested in how you collect the data required by the NEA using Foundant.
For example:
How do you collect the demographic information? (During the days of paper applications, we collected this information via a table, but that formatting is not an option as of yet in eGRANT.)
We use PDF uploads for the budget forms, but I was curious if anyone has been able to build that into their forms directly or has otherwise been able to greatly condense their form using Foundant?
We collect the demographic data using the check box list (applicants may choose multiple answers) or the radio button list (applicants may choose only one answer).
We use PDF uploads for the budget forms. We have not found a way to allow applicants to enter detailed budget information within the online form in Foundant.