Financial documents requested on grant applications
Courtesy post on behalf of Seth Baker at the Van Wert County Foundation: What financial documents do you require from applicants? How does that information factor into your review of funding requests ? How do you handle applicants that submit the wrong documents?
Grant Funding Types & Amounts
Hi there, Just wanted to start a general conversation around the types of grants folks offer and what the max funding amount is for each of the grants you offer. I am curious to start this conversation because our organization provides what I consider very small grants and hoping we can increase the amount we give per…
Do Other Sources of Funding Impact Your Grantmaking Decisions?
Hi, I work for a Community Foundation in Vero Beach, Florida and we have a quarterly grant cycle process. Throughout our county we have about six other funders (our local United Way and several philanthropic neighborhoods) who have annual grant cycle processes. Do you have a similar network of local funders? Do you…
Application Review Process - Best Practices
Hi everyone – my questions relate to the overall grant application review process / workflow and the assignment of reviewers for applications. Some background first: We launched a one-cycle grant program earlier this year. We had an LOI stage and have gotten back to applicants on whether or not they advance to the full…
Final Grant Reports, Making Available to the Public
We haven't yet figured out a good way or know of any software available to help us make grant reports searchable and available to the public. We are in need of this, especially for past funded research projects. Thank you!
Grant Follow-Up Reports
Does anyone else struggle getting their follow-ups back from nonprofits? What are your tips and tricks?
Grant Type Categories
We're looking to streamline the Categories for Grant Types, i.e. Arts and Culture, Health and Human Services, etc. Would love to hear what categories all of you are using? Thank you.
Administering Grants for County Commission
We have been approached by a county commission in our region for assistance in administering their annual grant process. They would like us to build the application, answer applicant questions, conduct a preliminary review, and oversee follow-up reporting for awarded grants. The county commissioners will make the final…
Assignment of grant reviewers
Hi everyone - would appreciate hearing your thoughts on the following, but some background first. We launched a one-cycle grant program earlier this year. We're about to wrap up our LOI stage and get back to applicants on whether or not they advance to the full application stage. My question is: When you assign reviewers…
Quick Survey: Receiving feedback from applicants on our grant application process
Has anyone posted a quick survey at the end of an application to gain feedback from grant applicants on how they liked the application process and suggestions for improvement? If so, what type of questions did you ask, and did you find the survey helpful?
Storytelling Questions on Final Report
I attended the Storytelling Webinar yesterday featuring the City of Muskogee Foundation. It was mentioned that the Storytelling questions they use on their final report would be posted on Compass. Where can I find those questions? Thanks! Additional, related discussion here:
A little MORE conversation around grants management!
**I really hope you are singing this title with that signature Elvis drawl.** Hello! It was great seeing so many of you in Elvis's town last week at Summit 2022! As @AshleyHarper and I mentioned in our session, we are hoping to bring a little MORE conversation and a little more ACTION to grants management (we want to avoid…
Medical Research Grant Application Example
Hi! We are going fund medical research for the first time. Would anyone be willing to share examples of relevant grant applications they have used? Thank you so much!
Please share your best videos
Hello- we are informally looking at how other community foundations use video to inspire and educate. Does your community foundation have a brief video that helps introduce a specific grant program, address how you are working DEI into your grant making, or serve as a tool to educate the public about endowments? If you…
Metric - % of scholarship applications submitted
What % of your started scholarship applications reach submission? #submitted/#total We just closed our 1st Universal scholarship application. I'm new to the scholarship admin world and since we just came from a paper process we have no reference. For our 67 opportunities they range from 33% to 100% with an average of 62%.…
DAF grants to nonprofits where advisors sit on the board?
Do any foundations prohibit grants issued from DAFs (donor-advised funds) that go to nonprofits where the fund advisor is on the board? What if there are no staff of said nonprofit, so the work of the agency is conducted by the board members? And, what about issuing a grant to the nonprofit if the address of the nonprofit…
Small Business Grant Application
Hello! I am new to the world of writing applications and I am looking for some examples of grant applications other organizations may have used. Our applicants will be small business owners requesting funds. Any of your own examples would be very helpful. Thank you!
Young Professionals Giving Group
I am curious if any other Foundations are doing a young professionals giving group or similar group? If so, I would love to hear more about best practices, guidelines, and giving levels! Thanks, Eliana
Sample Templates to send to Inactive DAF Holders for grantmaking or giving
Hi all! Would you mind sharing your letter or notice template that you send to inactive DAF holders to let them know that they have not made a grant /donation for awhile that reminds them of your policy on that subject? Thank you very much! Missy Belles