Compliance / Monitoring Program for a Grant Program
Hi everyone – my first post! I am excited to be part of this community. I am looking to better understand best practices around the governance of grant programs, specifically around how you monitor for any potential conflicts between your reviewers and the applications you assign to them to review. Do you have any P&P's…
Peer Learning: Grant Committees
What is the structure of your evaluating body – do you have one core committee or multiple committees (fund, sector, or program dependent, for example)? What steps has your organization taken to diversify committees and to incorporate participatory grantmaking? How are community members considered for your committee…
Independent Grantee Survey Providers
Hi! I work for a 3M family foundation in Boston, MA. We are looking to conduct an independent survey of grantees to get feedback on our grantmaking and process. We are aware of CEP but wanted to know if there are other providers doing this work. We are considering CEP so would like to hear references and testimonials about…
First Pass Evaluation
Does anyone have a good resource for evaluation questions for a first pass evaluation? Looking to simplify process with a few simple questions that allow us to rank recommendations before taking a deeper dive in the review process through the 2nd evaluation.
Grant Types
We are currently working on refreshing our current list of grant types in order to best categorize what our donors are interested in. For example, we split education out further into private, public, and collegiate and added categories for social justice, racial equity, and women's advocacy. The team here brought up the…
Looking for more grant seekers
Hi everyone! Our Foundation is looking for more grant seekers. A) Do you have some great charities in the arts, education, or community development areas looking for additional funding this year? Could you send them my way? B) What's the most effective way you've found to alert those in need to your Foundations? TIA!
Vote on idea to inactivate Grant Types & help with 2022 data clean up
It's 2022 and my org is now 3 years into using the GLM and CSuite - lots of learning since we started. We would like to mark some grant types we had at the beginning as "inactive" as they no longer are doing the trick, but they are attached to historical grants, which we would like to keep. If you are in a similar…
Verification of matching funds
Hi all, We're trying to shore up our processes for matching funds/challenge grants. What verification forms does your organization use before sending out that matching grant from your foundation? Thank you!
Sample Letter of Intent
Hello, Can an organization share a letter of intent form for large capital grants for projects such as cultural institutions or non profit headquarters?
Geographic Region
Hi there - I'm wondering how others collect geographic region information in their applications. We offer grants across the entire state of Oregon. In our current application, we allow applicants to check boxes for each region in which their project will take place, but that makes it difficult to break down and measure…
Seeking ideas for fun and/or inspiring grant names
Okay, so it's time to spice up our grant process name. Our [County Name] Grants is a pretty uninspiring name. What about Transformational Grants ... or Better Together Grants ... or Efficacy in Action Grants?!?!! Does your foundation have a fun or inspiring grant name? Are you able to slip on your creative hat for a moment…
Grant Applications Samples
I'm looking for a more efficient layout of grant questions, that will improve my review process. Would it be possible for me to obtain samples of any peer credit unions foundations grant applications and outcome statements? Thanks a million.
For those of you that offer grants to the public, how do you get the word out?
I am curious about a few things: What is the most popular way of marketing grant opportunities? Do you find that some methods work better than others? What are some more creative / out-of-the-box methods of marketing your grants?
Fees for Services
Hi all, We are in discussions with a local city to possibly run their annual grant cycle through our GLM software. We would create the process, vet applications, set up evaluations and participate in a Grant Committee meeting to determine awards. My understanding is we would hold a fund at the community foundation for this…
Streamlining various grants cycles
Hi all, At Park City Community Foundation we have various grant cycles that support several of our initiatives. As we look towards strategic planning, we are brainstorming on how we might refine our various grant cycles (Community Fund, Park City Climate Fund, Solomon Fund, Women’s Giving Fund). Also, we acknowledge that…
Grant Type Interest
We are discussing expanding our Grant Type list. This is list is used both for Grant Types and for areas of interest for profiles. Currently we have: Animals, Arts and Culture, Education/Scholarship, Environment, Faith-based, Food/Agriculture, Health, Housing, Human Rights, Jobs, Maritime, Mental Health, Seniors, Youth. We…
Community Foundation Grants to Non-501(c)(3)s
Hi there, I'm not sure there's been a discussion like this on this forum... Increasingly, we at Community First Foundation are finding opportunities to engage and better our community which lie outside of traditional 501(c)(3) grantmaking. What is your community foundation's process for making charitable grants to…
Other funders seeing fewer applications submitted?
Hello. We’ve been getting fewer applications in recent weeks (possibly months), and we’re not sure of the reasons. One theory is that some NPOs are getting CARES money and are less reliant on grants. Are others experiencing this too? Thanks for any feedback!
Expenditure Responsibility
Hi! I work for a community foundation and we don't typically award grants that require expenditure responsibility, however we have made the decision recently to do so. Are there any other community foundations out here willing to share their expenditure responsibility agreement template, reporting template, and…
GuideStar Charity Check
Hello, We are brand new to Foundant. If your Charity Check does not pass on a grantee from a donor advised fund, what information do you require from the organization before you allow the grant to be approved?
Grant Application Timeframe
Hi, For those with annual grant cycles, how long do you keep your grant application open? I've played around with 2, 3 or 4 weeks and it seems like most organizations will wait until the last minute to submit regardless of how long the application timeframe is. Curious what others do and if you see the same thing? Thanks!…
Grant Budget Guidelines
Hello: I'm looking for best practices regarding budget guidelines. Our major grant allows for the PI to charge 10% of their salary and they have to commit 20% of their time to the project. They can charge 100% of their benefits to the project. Also, we allow other team members working on the project to charge 100% of their…
CFC (Canada) Grants Survey
I was just filling out the Community Foundation of Canada 2019 Grants Survey. I realize we have Groups, Subgroups and Divisions in the Fund area. In Profile area we have Profile Types. Is there any where in Grants/Grantees to give them an additional designation, i.e., Education, Health and Wellness, Arts and Culture and…