Grant Catalog Marketing, Ideas, Plans for 2021

The Douglas County Community Foundation will be launching a grant catalog for our second year beginning on #GivingTuesday, November 30 - December 31 for only our nonprofit organization fund holders.
I am looking for other foundations that have used the grant catalog for campaigns for ideas for marketing and promoting the campaign to donors and community members. I have worked with @LexiOestreich at the FM Area Foundation and she is AMAZING, she has great resources and information. Any additional help is appreciated!
Hi @HeatherHoy! Thanks for starting this discussion! You may also be interested in the two recent discussions below from others using the grant catalog. Looking forward to other's responses!
Kara Adams, M.Ed., CAE (she/her/hers)|Community Manager|
Headquartered: Bozeman, MT| Remote Location: Chicago, IL | Direct: 312-802-1374 ||