Thoughtful Application Design [Connecting and Continuing the Conversation]
Hello, Friends! Our recent webinar on crafting applications that truly connect had some of our highest engagement. We're starting this discussion as a "hub" for the folks looking to connect with other attendees, continue conversations started in the chat (transcript to come), and build on the advice our presenters shared.…
Capacity building grant application samples
We are in the process of updating our capacity building grant process. I am wondering if anyone offers capacity building grants and would be willing to share their grant application with us. Thank you.
Negative Spendable Balance after posting grants and scholarships
Hi everyone, Our foundation has recently discovered that we are having some grants and scholarships post thru the system without flagging us that the spendable balance will go negative. It is not consistent and we have tried various scenarios to reproduce the problem. We've reached out to support and it has been escalated…
As a CF, how do you determine who is eligible to receive your annual unrestricted grant dollars?
Our unrestricted Community Endowment has received its first large estate gift. To this point the grant distribution from the Community Endowment has been very small. We would like to learn more about the process to determine grant recipient(s). Does the community foundation have specific areas of interest when granting…
Waivers for photos and videos uploaded to a follow up form?
We have a community grant program that has a primary focus of youth development and education. In follow up reports, we ask for a short story about how the grant dollars impacted those served by the grantee, as well as an area to upload photos and videos. Obviously, most of these photos and videos are normally of the…
Unused Capacity Grant Funds
Are there other funders out there that always end up with unused Capacity Grant funds? It's an easy $5,000 with a simple request process. Thoughts on why our nonprofits do not want to take advantage of capacity-building dollars? 🤔
Funding for religious organizations
I am interested in gathering sample language about foundation support for religious organizations. Our guidelines currently indicate that we will not make grants to organizations that engage in proselytizing as part of their mission or programs, but we feel that we need better clarification on that. I would appreciate any…
3rd Party Grant Management Fee
One of our partners (the city where we are located) has asked us about managing one of their grant programs. Now that we have GLM (just went live last month) this is a much easier concept and I’m wondering if anyone has any experience doing that in their city? Does anyone have experience in charging a fee for service, by…
What does programming mean to your CF?
Hello! Our CF is making some strategic plans and have recently decided we were going to do more programming. I have been tasked with figuring out what a "program" is for our organization. In the past we have run a scholarship cycle, grant cycle, and a couple initiatives as our programs. However, we would really like to…
Grants Distributions Forms: How to Set Up for Irregular Distributions?
We're considering using the follow up process to build a form for distribution requests, but distributions vary from grant to grant, and can be very irregular. Has anyone found an especially creative or useful way to make the follow up forms work for grant distributions better than grantees simply emailing the info to us…
Fund Advisor Content for Portal - Grant Request Header and Footer
Hello, Would anyone mind sharing their content in the Fund Advisor Portal Content -Grant Request Header and Footer? I have an issue with advisors sometimes not seeing their unsubmitted grant requests, due to a lengthy Header. Thank you! Sally Hermann St. Croix Valley Foundation
Going Paperless for All Grants
I know this topic was raised at the height of the pandemic but I'm wondering if any other foundations have gone to a paperless grants process. We shifted to paperless for all of our competitive grants processes we manage through GLM but I am wondering about how others are handling their non-competitive grant requests from…
Could there be new legislation to help with federal grant applications?
Bipartisan legislation authored by U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI) that would help streamline the administration of grant programs across the federal government has advanced in the Senate. Governments and organizations in small and rural communities often struggle when applying for federal grants because they lack the…