Grant Type Interest

We are discussing expanding our Grant Type list. This is list is used both for Grant Types and for areas of interest for profiles.
Currently we have:
Animals, Arts and Culture, Education/Scholarship, Environment, Faith-based, Food/Agriculture, Health, Housing, Human Rights, Jobs, Maritime, Mental Health, Seniors, Youth.
We are thinking about expanding this a bit. Perhaps details in the area of Human Rights: LGBTQ+, BIPOC or anti-racism, Women and Girls, Justice. Perhaps add Childcare as more specific than just Youth.
We are thinking that a little more detail will be helpful in better describing the donor's interest and the grants made.
Thanks for your help in rationalizing this.
Hi @CathieWier, we actually have issues that matter (ITM) that we have divided into interests and values. We have a 360 process that includes cards. This is a process that fund holders are matched to and express areas of interests that they want to support. It does include everything you listed above and more, there are 36 interests and 30 values. With the current times expanding areas of support also come to the surface, thanks bunches. Hope this helps.
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We try to align our own Focus Area and Strategy sub-types with NTEE codes.
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Hi @CathieWier,
We may not be of much help, since our foundation recently adjusted how we categorize our grants by reducing the number of grant types (see attached descriptions). In our decision to go this route, we reviewed the focus areas (or grant types or program areas) of a number of foundations across the US and concluded that they're all over the map.
We decided not to focus on audience (like youth or vets or immigrants, for example). It just got too complicated -- does a program for women's housing be considered Human Service or Women?
Not sure any of this is helpful, but I thought I'd weigh in since we just wrested with this question as well!
Best of luck!