Small Business Grant Application

Hello! I am new to the world of writing applications and I am looking for some examples of grant applications other organizations may have used.
Our applicants will be small business owners requesting funds. Any of your own examples would be very helpful.
Thank you!
@EmmaLenihan Explore York has agreed to share their application. It may not be exactly what you're looking for, but hopefully it could be helpful.
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Thank you, Ashley, for sharing the Explore York application. This was really helpful!
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You're so welcome! I'm glad it was useul!
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Ours was for CARES Act funding: CDBG-CV through HUD and in partnership with our city who received the grant. It's very specific, but maybe you will find some parts helpful. Best wishes!
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Thank you, Kassidy. This is exactly what I needed to compare my questions with!
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I'm so glad it can be helpful to you. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have other questions you think we can assist with! 325-676-3883 or