Texting students

Good afternoon,
I was wondering if any of you use a texting software to stay in contact with scholarship students? If so, what software do you use?
Thank you!
Hi @robincowles! Great question...I hear all the kids are on their phones these days. Oh wait, aren't we all?! 😂
You may also be interested in this discussion about texting services.
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Kara Adams, M.Ed., CAE (she/her/hers)|Community Manager|kara.adams@foundant.com
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@robincowles - I am new to the Foundation Scholarship world and Foundant, but come from a private scholarship organization where we used another product that offered texting.... the price was a little high, I thought, but my response rate from the students increased. I definitely want to look at texting through Foundant - I think it is a great tool!
@KaraAdams - thank you for sharing this post - I am going to read more about the discussion about texting services.