Waivers for photos and videos uploaded to a follow up form?

We have a community grant program that has a primary focus of youth development and education. In follow up reports, we ask for a short story about how the grant dollars impacted those served by the grantee, as well as an area to upload photos and videos.

Obviously, most of these photos and videos are normally of the children/youth in the programs. While we would like to share some of these images on social media and in other marketing pieces, the grants committee has some hesitancy and would like more explicit permission. Do any other funders have language within the follow up report indicating the photos/videos may be used for marketing purposes? Or even a waiver of some sort grantees fill out?



  • AnnKvachAnnKvach Posts: 9 ✭✭✭
    World Traveler Third Compass Anniversary Grant Lifecycle Manager (GLM) First Comment

    Not sure if this is legally binding, but here is what we have in our grant reports.

  • SidneySuttlesSidneySuttles Posts: 15 ✭✭✭
    Voter Scholarship Lifecycle Manager (SLM) Second Compass Anniversary Name Dropper

    Thank you, @AnnKvach! This is very helpful.

  • LisaStachulaLisaStachula Posts: 51 ✭✭✭
    Solution Finder Scholarship Lifecycle Manager (SLM) Third Compass Anniversary 5 Answers

    Great question, Sidney! I think including language similar to what Ann suggested above is a great idea. Like you said, a lot of agencies that work with children cannot release photos, so as long as you make those upload questions optional, you should be good to go. Here is another example of client language regarding the use of photos: By submitting these pictures, you give us permission to use these images in various media to communicate to donors and the public the impact your project has on our community.

    Hope this helps!


  • Our Foundation wants to include something to this effect in our Grant Reports - so this example is very helpful. Thank you for sharing.

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