Unique situation for donors
We have a set of donors who are making their post-lifetime plans for their donor advised fund. The fund is currently non-endowed and will have ~$40M added to the fund after the donors’ lifetimes. It has a very narrow area of interest for the grant funding (retrofitting homes for seniors and people with disabilities). The…
Virtual Site Visits
Hi! I'm new to Foundant and new to the funder side of the non-profit world. I work for several foundations which fund around the country/globe and which have board members scattered about. We are investigating doing virtual site visits. Does anyone have experience with Virtual Site Visits? What worked? What didn't? Any…
Leveraging Donation Portal to Support Fundraising Efforts
Outside of COVID19 disaster relief funds, we've never really leveraged the customization of the donation portal through CSuite/Stripe to highlight other funds and their work. As we are looking to grow our development team and the ways in which we support donors and fund holders interested in fundraising, I've wondered…
Community Indicator Reports
Hi all! I received lots of good help and feedback on my last post, so I thought I'd post again. We are looking in to conducting a community indicator report/needs assessment for our region. I know a lot of other foundations have engaged in this area, so I would love to hear any thoughts on best practices! Any information…
Scholarship Agreement
Hello all, we are new to Foundant this year with our scholarships and I am wondering if anyone has a copy of their scholarship agreement or terms and conditions they are willing to share that they use on the follow-ups? Thank you kindly.
Small Business Grant Application
Hello! I am new to the world of writing applications and I am looking for some examples of grant applications other organizations may have used. Our applicants will be small business owners requesting funds. Any of your own examples would be very helpful. Thank you!
Requesting a Copy of Board Lists
I'm looking for some best practices on requesting a copy of an organization's Board list. Currently we just ask them to upload a copy of their current list with their application. We'd like to ask for more specific information about each Board member, such as their background and expertise, but want to make sure we ask in…
Young Professionals Giving Group
I am curious if any other Foundations are doing a young professionals giving group or similar group? If so, I would love to hear more about best practices, guidelines, and giving levels! Thanks, Eliana
Gifts of Grain
When selling the gift of grain, how do you record the expenses from the grain elevator for selling the grain. Is there a specific expense account people use? I have been trying Miscellaneous in the Test site, but really don't like seeing it as a "Miscellaneous Expense" on the Fund Statement. Does anyone have a better…
Compliance / Monitoring Program for a Grant Program
Hi everyone – my first post! I am excited to be part of this community. I am looking to better understand best practices around the governance of grant programs, specifically around how you monitor for any potential conflicts between your reviewers and the applications you assign to them to review. Do you have any P&P's…
Frustration - why won't students complete follow-ups?
So frustrating - we have this lovely software, we have their email addresses, they have been told they are expected to complete a follow up form at the end of each semester!!!!!! Why is it so hard. I could get the big stick and refuse to pay for their next semester but that seems excessive. Do we need to add a "texting"…
Independent Grantee Survey Providers
Hi! I work for a 3M family foundation in Boston, MA. We are looking to conduct an independent survey of grantees to get feedback on our grantmaking and process. We are aware of CEP but wanted to know if there are other providers doing this work. We are considering CEP so would like to hear references and testimonials about…
Follow-up asking for transcript and financials
We send a follow-up at the end of each semester asking for transcripts and financials before we send out subsequent scholarship payments. After you make the final payment, do you still ask for financials and transcripts at the end of that semester? I was wondering what the point would be because the money is already spent…
Newsletter New Look (and best practices)
New year, new look - share your thoughts on our redesigned newsletters! Does your organization send out a newsletter? Share your best practices!