Webinar follow up - Connecting Your Scholarship Program to Your Organization's Strategy

DanaBerggrenDanaBerggren Posts: 37 ✭✭✭
Referral Rockstar Scholarship Lifecycle Manager (SLM) Third Compass Anniversary 10 Comments
edited August 2022 in Grants & Scholarships

@JuliaDaSilva from the Triangle Community Foundation shared how they have made significant changes to their scholarship administration practices to align their scholarship program with the foundation's overarching strategy. In this webinar, she highlighted changes they made to their application to remove barriers for students. The video walkthrough of their application showcases how they ask applications about financial need and collect post-award survey responses from recipients.

Walk through of Triangle Community Foundation's scholarship application and final impact survey (13 min):


Award letter - sent to the student; contains language about use of scholarship funds

Scholarship letter to university - sent to the school; contains language about use of scholarship funds and refunds

Job description - one page snapshot of the volunteer role, timeline, and overall committee involvement

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