Scholarship Evaluations and Committees

We have several committees that review multiple scholarship applications for different scholarships. Many of the applications for the different scholarships are the same students in each group. This year we had one student come out on top for a group of 5 scholarships the committee was evaluating. Does anyone have suggestions on how to keep the same committee but make the evaluations so not just one student would receive all the scholarships?
Thank you for any help you may have.
We have an overall scholarship steering committee that reviews all selections recommended by the individual scholarship committees prior to our board vote. If there is a student who was recommended for multiple awards, the committee may recommend going back to the committees to see if they would like to perhaps select the student who was recommended as an alternate. However, in practice, as long as the total dollars awarded do not exceed the student's cost of attendance, we generally allow students to receive multiple awards. Hope this helps!
Laurie Abildso
Vice President
Your Community Foundation of North Central West Virginia, Inc.
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We have one committee who does all the scoring, then after that we meet together for a discussion about each scholarship and final award selections. Someone on our staff leads the discussion but another person keeps a running list of all the awardees. If someone has received another scholarship, that staffer brings that to the committee's attention and they can choose to still award or find another top candidate. We don't just automatically award the top scorer the scholarship.