Community Indicator Reports

Hi all!
I received lots of good help and feedback on my last post, so I thought I'd post again.
We are looking in to conducting a community indicator report/needs assessment for our region. I know a lot of other foundations have engaged in this area, so I would love to hear any thoughts on best practices!
Any information on logistics, obstacles, or outcomes would be very helpful. I am curious if other organizations are doing their own reports or contracting with outside firms?
I appreciate your help! Thank you!
Outside of our Community Reports, we haven't put together a hard copy community indicator report, but we have put a Delaware County Health and Opportunity Equity Indicator on our website. It's an interactive map that helps layout things like education levels, obesity, asthma, with/without health insurance, etc in the county by zip codes. You can find our map here:
If you click on the orange button in the corner that says "new map", you can toggle between different indicators.
Hope this helps!
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@monikacollins this is great, thank you!
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Hi Eliana,
During the pandemic The Pasadena Community Foundation (PCF) conducted a survey of nonprofits and asked a specific question about perceived needs in the community. It was a very useful data point at the time. We combined survey responses with in-depth interviews of community leaders to inform our grant priorities. I am interested in this thread and can provide our survey and interview questions if you would like. Kate
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Hi @elianapritchett,
Excellent idea. I would love it if you would share your survey and interview questions.
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Thank you@KateClavijo!