Non-donation revenue

We have a local Art Center who is a supporting organization of ours. We currently use QuickBooks for them but would like to bring them into Foundant. They receive a considerable amount of revenue that is not donations. Currently, we only receive a small number of non-donation funds and we record them with a voucher. This works fine, but I'm curious is anyone receives revenue that is not a donation and how they handle it.
Non donation revenue should be entered as a profile payment in CSuite. You can then apply or create an invoice to the payment. Here is the help article for a more complete description. If you have a further questions, please reach out to the success team.
Holly Spitz
Accounting Product Manager
Foundant Technologies, Inc.
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@HollySpitz Yep, that's what we do, I enter the payment and note that it was a player fee at a tournament for example, and we have an account subcategory of event income or something like that.