Do any of our peer community foundations grant scholarships internationally? If so...
What should we be aware of when establishing a scholarship for international students/universities? Note: This would be an employer scholarship for dependents of international employees. What IRS guidelines are you using to govern your work? Are there particular nuances with the application, selection, or grant process for…
Text messaging to students
Hello, I am trying to gather best methods to communicate with students. Email seems to be opened sometimes, but we are finding things going to SPAM, or simply not being read. We are thinking that texting may be the best method. I am wanting any process recommendations for texting to students. (Reminders to complete follow…
Scholarship for study abroad students not getting applicants
We are struggling to get applicants for a scholarship meant for students who will study in a foreign country for one semester or more. The application is fairly simple, so no roadblocks there. And it doesn't seem to matter what time of year I open or close the application. I've reached out to several global studies…
Is NSPA membership worth it?
Hi! Is anyone a member of the National Scholarship Providers Association (NSPA) and thinks it is worth it as a scholarship provider? If yes, what would you say are the main benefits? If you were a member and cancelled your membership, why did you cancel? Thank you for any feedback you can provide!
Scholarship Criteria
Good morning, We are in the process of reviewing scholarship fund agreements. We have several scholarships that list criteria like high moral character, worthy citizen, constructive attitude, potential for future success, etc. Our scholarship process is blind (student names are redacted from the application) and we have a…
Gender versus Pronouns??
Good afternoon!! I am new to the Foundant/Compass Community, and am looking forward to getting some great feedback!! Reviewing our scholarship application and wondering if everyone is using the term Gender on their applications or using Pronouns instead? What is best practice? Thank you so much! Kasey
"Chosen Name" or "Preferred Name" field for scholarship applicants?
Hello! My organization is considering adding a "chosen name" or "preferred name" field to our scholarship applications after we discovered the need for such a field during our recent scholarship cycle. Do other organizations use a field like this in their applications? If so, could you please share the language that you…
GED & Gap Year Questions in SLM Application
Hi all. Just winding up our first year using SLM. Looking back we need to do a better job building the application to represent GED and/or gap year/not currently enrolled students. Curious what info. others gather and how they ask. Thanks in advance for any input.
Staff on Selection Committees
We are having a conversation about including staff members on our scholarship selection committee to review applications and make recipient selections. Are there other community foundations out there that do this? What are the benefits and challenges? Are there any best practice guidelines about this?
Using third party to obtain financial information
Currently on our UA application we ask students to provide their financial information, as reported on their last tax form, either as a dependent reporting their parents information, or as an independent reporting their own financial information. We have been considering using the third party option to have parents…
How long is your scholarship application open?
For years, our organization's annual scholarship application has opened on January 15 and closed two months later on March 15. We're considering moving up the deadline and having the application open for a shorter period of time, possibly 6 weeks. What are the open & close dates for your scholarship program? What factors…
EFC to SAI Changes
Hello, Can anyone provide on information transition process from EFC to SAI changes. My organization typically uses EFC chart, as well as institutional aid to determine unmet need. Does somebody have an example or template for estimated conversions for SAI.. They have developed and/or plan to implement? Thank you, Kaylin
Scholarship rubric scales for activities, community service, and work
We are working to update our evaluation questions for our selection committees as they review scholarship applications. We are trying to create a scale to measure the quality of students' extra-curricular activities, community service, and work. We want to offer clear guidance to evaluators for why they should give…
Evaluating Financial Need with New FAFSA
Hi, We are a small foundation and the majority of our scholarships have a financial need requirement. I was curious if (how) organizations are changing their evaluation of financial need with the upcoming changes to the FAFSA, particularly related to how the EFC/SAI will be calculated. As part of our financial need…
What's your instructional text for scholarship essay questions?
We're making some revisions to our scholarship applications and wondered if anyone would be willing to share their instructional text for essay questions. Specifically, instructions about grammar, punctuation, proofreading, answering questions thoroughly, formatting in paragraphs, etc. No matter what instructions we give,…
Scholarship Renewal Requirements
Hello! Cross posting with NSPA. We are trying to streamline our scholarship payments. Right now, we're all over the map, and it's quite an administrative burden. I know others have been discussing this, too. As part of streamlining the process, we want to create one standard renewal requirement instead of letting the donor…
Scholarship Cycle fundholder recaps
Hi all! Does anyone have a sample scholarship fundholder recap they can share with me? I've just completed my first year managing a scholarship portfolio and I'm now composing a recap to share with our fundholders. I have the basic information covered (number of recipients, how much awarded, # of different schools,…
Scholarships-Undecided Students-Universal Application
Hello. I was wondering how others handle undecided students when using the Universal Application. We start our application process mid-December and it ends April 1. Many students (mainly those attending competitive schools) do not know where they will be attending at the time of the application so they choose undecided as…
Scholarship Evaluation
What does your scholarship evaluation look like? What questions are you asking your committee to score? We currently auto score the GPA and income. We have kind generic scores for activities/employment/community service, and then the essay is weighted pretty heavily. Curious if you are asking any other specific questions…
GPA Requirement
Hi everyone! Many of the scholarships we offer have a GPA requirement, so we ask for GPA in the general application phase. Traditionally, we have asked for an unweighted GPA since that is the most consistent across schools. However, this year we had applicants from a school that does not provide an unweighted GPA to…
Transition To One Scholarship Committee
Hello! We are looking to transition to one committee that reviews all of the scholarship applications. Currently, each scholarship has their own committee. Do you have any tips on how to transition smoothly? How to select the best candidate for the committee? Or how to announce the change to current committee members?
Scoring Preferences
Hi everyone! We are doing an audit of all of our scholarships and one question that has come up is what the best practice for scoring preference criteria is. For example, some of our scholarships have a preference for those with financial need or a preference for those that live in a certain area. Currently, we score these…