Text messaging to students

Hello, I am trying to gather best methods to communicate with students. Email seems to be opened sometimes, but we are finding things going to SPAM, or simply not being read. We are thinking that texting may be the best method. I am wanting any process recommendations for texting to students. (Reminders to complete follow ups, finish application, etc)
Are there programs, or applications to be able to text via the computer that work effectively?
I just came onto Compass to see if others are asking this question! We currently use Sendhub and have had great success reaching students via text. We added an "opt in" question on our registration and created a report to run the phone numbers of students who have opted in for texting. I can import that spreadsheet into our text service.
We utilize texting during the application stage (deadline reminders, verifying studies/attendance at certain schools, corrupt files), during the follow up stage (follow up reminders) and to build community (scheduling meetups with recipients attending the same uni, common studies, mentorship, etc). Most of the time it's a text that is a reminder to "Check your email" hah! I'll also put our site login in the text so students can click directly.
I'm looking for a new text service because, while on the cheaper side of those I've found, Sendhub only allows sending a text to a group of 150 people at a time and depending on your plan up to 2,000 or 4,000 texts/month. I'm not a fan of their cell phone app either so I am looking for other text services and options :)
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Hello! You may also be interested in this discussion about texting services to students that was posted a couple years ago!
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Our office has a cloud-based phone service called RingCentral It allows texting features from my computer or my personal cell using the work number (nothing with my personal number) as well as remote calling to my cell or to a handset on my desk at the office. It is pretty handy and it definitely helps communicate with students!
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You can easily set up a Google Voice number through your Google log in (work email), and then text students from your computer. You will receive email notifications when a student has texted back. It's easy and free.