AI Generated Responses from Applicants
My organization uses Foundant for Grant, Scholarship, and Assistantship applications. We recently received two applications that were generated by AI (ChatGPT). The prompt to the essay was copied, pasted, and entered into ChatGPT and the response generated was submitted directly to the scholarship application as the…
Scholarships -- Determining Financial Need
Hey everyone! I am building our application with Foundant and using this as an opportunity to re-think some of the questions on our application. Several of our scholarships are based on financial need. Currently, I ask students to list their estimated college expenses, scholarships they have for the upcoming year, and…
FAFSA Challenges - What did you do?! Coffee Talk
We had a great live Coffee Talk about FAFSA at the Foundant Summit Conference. Here are some comments from the participants, grouped by theme. Please add thoughts & ideas of your own - We can revisit this next year when we do it all again! FAFSA CHAOS: WHAT DID YOU DO?! We bailed on the whole FAFSA thing and instead went…
ACH Scholarship payments
Hello All, We've moved our grant payments to ACH, and now we're working on using ACH for scholarship payments. In the past, we mailed a check for each student award along with a cover letter. Sometimes that meant sending 10 or more checks and letters in one envelope to the school. For those of you currently using ACH for…
Scholarships are in, now what
I'm looking for best practices or procedure list of how to process scholarships through SLM before sending apps to evaluators/selection committees. Do you review them and abandon ones that clearly don't qualify, etc. and then mark the app complete, etc? Would appreciate your insights or any shared docs of procedures.…
Out of Country Scholarships
Hello! Does your Foundation have a policy for scholarships when the University is out of the country? For example, a US student, that meets all of the requirements of the scholarship, but the University they are planning to attend is located in a different country. (Note: This is not a Study Abroad program). How do you…
District Wide Common Scholarship Application Software
Hello! Has anyone successfully partnered with other scholarship providers in their area to put application processes from different organizations onto the same software? The vision is a scholarship software solution for the entire school district so there is just one place that students go to fill out scholarship…
Reverse Scholarship Program
Good morning, If you are running a reverse scholarship program, I have questions for you! Are you storing applicants social security numbers in SLM? Have you converted any existing scholarship funds to fund a reverse scholarship? Thank you,
Class rank as part of evaluation process
One of our local school districts will be eliminating class rank as part of their student data, and their guidance office reached out to me for some input. We don't use class rank as part of our scholarship evaluation, but I know other organizations may, so I told her I would reach out to other scholarship providers. Their…
Submitted GPA vs. GPA on the transcript
Hello scholarship administrators. We are struggling with the GPA inputted by students vs. the unweighted GPA on the transcript. Although we specifically ask students to input their unweighted GPA as it reads on their transcript, we have found that often it's not a the same as what's on the transcript...which we discover…
Looking for a general "intake form".
Can anyone share a link to or attach a general "intake form" that your foundation uses for an initial call or email about starting a scholarship or new fund.
When do you disburse your scholarship funds? Timing of scholarship fund disbursement
Hello everyone! When do you send scholarship checks to your recipients' school/university/college etc? Is it possible to send funds in May? In the past I have disbursed the funds for new recipients and renewal recipients in August/September. However, my boss was wondering if we could disburse the funds right after making…
Student thank you videos - which platforms are you using?
Hi everyone, We have decided not to continue our annual scholarship reception event. Instead, we plan to gather student thank you videos to share with donors individually and the public. We are currently looking at two platforms: Thank View and Memory Fox. Does anyone have experience with either or both and have…
How to handle FAFSA delays in scholarship judging?
Hello, I'm a newer admin and first time post-writer. Our scholarships give consideration to FAFSA results, but this year there are major difficulties for students in completing the FAFSA form. How have you handled this issue? Financial need isn't among our highest priorities, so I'm considering removing the FAFSA questions…
Program Scholarships
We have a new scholarship opening that is funded by several smaller scholarships. Students will apply to the one "master" scholarship and the financial awards will come from the individual funds. Wondering if anyone has had this situation and figured out how to simplify/streamline the award process in SLM and CSuite. Thank…
Marketing Scholarships to Non-traditional Students
Our foundation needs help reaching continuing college and nontraditional students to notify them of scholarship and educational loan opportunities available through our foundation. How are other community foundations marketing to prospective scholarship applicants who are not in high school?
Eligible Organizations for Scholarships
Good Morning, Has anyone had experience issuing a post secondary scholarship to a school that was deemed not an "eligible educational institution" (see below definition from the IRS). We recently came across a scenario where a trade specific school (i.e. Welding, Electrical) said that they cannot accept funds from a…