As a CF, how do you determine who is eligible to receive your annual unrestricted grant dollars?
Our unrestricted Community Endowment has received its first large estate gift. To this point the grant distribution from the Community Endowment has been very small. We would like to learn more about the process to determine grant recipient(s). Does the community foundation have specific areas of interest when granting…
Scholarship Deferals
Good Morning, We were recently contacted by a scholarship recipient that her scholarship she was awarded was going to be returned to use from the college unless we provide them a letter stating that the scholarship could be deferred to next school year. This is because of the aid awarded to her by the financial…
Waivers for photos and videos uploaded to a follow up form?
We have a community grant program that has a primary focus of youth development and education. In follow up reports, we ask for a short story about how the grant dollars impacted those served by the grantee, as well as an area to upload photos and videos. Obviously, most of these photos and videos are normally of the…
Unused Capacity Grant Funds
Are there other funders out there that always end up with unused Capacity Grant funds? It's an easy $5,000 with a simple request process. Thoughts on why our nonprofits do not want to take advantage of capacity-building dollars? 🤔
Scholarship Review Process
We have a difficult time recruiting volunteers to sit on the scholarship review committee. At this time, all reviewers score all of the applications (300+). How does anyone split the applications up so each reviewer isn't required to score/read all 300+ applications?
Do any of our peer community foundations grant scholarships internationally? If so...
What should we be aware of when establishing a scholarship for international students/universities? Note: This would be an employer scholarship for dependents of international employees. What IRS guidelines are you using to govern your work? Are there particular nuances with the application, selection, or grant process for…
Text messaging to students
Hello, I am trying to gather best methods to communicate with students. Email seems to be opened sometimes, but we are finding things going to SPAM, or simply not being read. We are thinking that texting may be the best method. I am wanting any process recommendations for texting to students. (Reminders to complete follow…
Scholarship for study abroad students not getting applicants
We are struggling to get applicants for a scholarship meant for students who will study in a foreign country for one semester or more. The application is fairly simple, so no roadblocks there. And it doesn't seem to matter what time of year I open or close the application. I've reached out to several global studies…
Is NSPA membership worth it?
Hi! Is anyone a member of the National Scholarship Providers Association (NSPA) and thinks it is worth it as a scholarship provider? If yes, what would you say are the main benefits? If you were a member and cancelled your membership, why did you cancel? Thank you for any feedback you can provide!
Scholarship Criteria
Good morning, We are in the process of reviewing scholarship fund agreements. We have several scholarships that list criteria like high moral character, worthy citizen, constructive attitude, potential for future success, etc. Our scholarship process is blind (student names are redacted from the application) and we have a…