Discussion Space: OMB's Freeze on Federal Grants and Loan Disbursement
This is a space for all who have been affected by the recent federal Grands Freeze. More information can be found here and an outline here.
Public Support Test Modeling
Hello all! We're having a bit of a niche problem and wondering if anyone has insights on software or resources. My team works for an individual funder who is also associated with a Private Family Foundation. We regularly encounter situations in which funding from both entities could cause a grantee to "tip" into private…
Scholarship Successor Advisors?
Hello everyone! Our scholarship program at The Findlay-Hancock County Community Foundation is celebrating 30 years and we are starting to have a generational shift. The individuals who signed the original fund agreements would like to "pass their scholarship" on to the next generation of their family. What policies do you…
Could anyone share the questions they use in their LOI process?
We've recently started using Letters of Intent (LOIs) as part of our grant process, but we’ve found that the questions we currently ask aren't providing us with enough useful information. If anyone is willing to share the questions they use in their LOI process, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for your…
Best practices - Evaluating Grant Applications
Being new to Foundant Grants - this is our first year - I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions for doing an informative and useful application evaluation process for the reviewers? We've always used a simple worksheet. Going online with our grant applications, we changed up the application. I want to develop a process…
If SAI is not currency, then why is it used in the over award formula?
Federal Student Aid website states: Your SAI is not a dollar amount of aid you’ll receive, what your family is expected to provide, or your final financial aid offer. But also says: An overaward exists when a student’s aid package exceeds their need or overall cost of attendance (COA). Remember when packaging subsidized or…
Apprenticeships and other for profit training academies
We have had an uptick in students attending for profit training academies as well as bypassing "traditional" post-secondary education plans and doing apprenticeships. Our organizational policy states that we cannot payout a grant to an individual or for-profit entity. Other organizations with the same policy in place, how…
Demographic questions in scholarship application?
Hi everyone, Do you ask demographic questions as part of your scholarship application? We have not included a demographic section, but starting next year, we plan to add optional questions at the beginning of the application to better understand who is applying and receiving our scholarships. Initially, I planned to use…
529 Plans to pay scholarships
Hi! Our Community Foundation is looking into paying scholarships through 529 plans to help avoid aid displacement. Do any other organizations pay scholarships this way? Has it been helpful in reducing aid displacement? Thank you!
Indirect Costs
I am looking for input on how other funders handle indirect costs in grant budgets. I would be interested in any perspectives or policies that anyone can share. I know that there is a lot more discussion out there right now on recognizing the full cost of projects and allowing for more generous indirect cost rates. Marian…
Collection of Audit Files
For the beginning of this year, we've decided to look for better ways to utilize the Foundant reporting feature to track the presence of various files for use in auditing procedures. So far, we've been uploading the files (acknowledgement letters, check/transmittal letter, and approval documentation) to the Documents tab…