Class rank as part of evaluation process

One of our local school districts will be eliminating class rank as part of their student data, and their guidance office reached out to me for some input. We don't use class rank as part of our scholarship evaluation, but I know other organizations may, so I told her I would reach out to other scholarship providers.
Their question was: Do many scholarships use class rank as a determining factor? And in any case, will their students be at a disadvantage if they don't have a class rank?
Thank you for your help.
Lee O'Neil, Scholarship Coordinator
Community Foundation of Fayette County, PA
We have one scholarship that goes to the valedictorian of one specific school. Other than that, no agreement mentions class rank. Transcripts are uploaded for each one, however, and reviewers might be considering it. However, I don't think any reviewer would dock a student because the school no longer recorded class rank.
I finished reading applications for a university this past admission cycle. I've read thousands. Most schools have eliminated class rank, or will not release the information as a matter of school policy. I would expect more students would be without class ranks than with class ranks.