Sample -Lilly Endowment Scholarship application
Hello all, Our community foundation just transitioned to CommunitySuite (financial part). We will be transitioning to SLM in June. Our Lilly Endowment Scholarship application opens August 1st. For those outside of Indiana- It is a scholarship application for high school seniors from our county; every CF in Indiana…
Electronic Grant Payments Transition
We are considering transitioning at least a portion of our grant payments from checks to EFT's. For those who have converted, please share any tips/lessons learned. What is your process for collecting bank account information from grantees? Thanks in advance!
Foundation Turn Over (Grants and Scholarships Role Descriptions)
I know one reality of Foundation work is regular turnover. I've had many conversations over the years with clients seeking advice on job descriptions for Grant and Scholarship Coordinator/Manager/Directors and suggestions on how to call out Foundant familiarity/technical aptitude in those descriptions. If you have a…
Scholarship Award/Denial Letters - Paper or Digital?
Hello all, Just curious to see how folks handle their award/denial letters for scholarship applicants. Currently, we send paper award and denial letters to every applicant that finishes and submits an application. We also send an email to award recipients with more detailed instructions on how to complete the follow-up to…
Determining When Your Foundation is Listed as a Beneficiary
Does anyone have a best practice for identifying when your foundation is listed as a beneficiary for an estate, an IRA account, etc? We ask our donors to let us know, but we have not historically had a great protocol for saving and storing this information and we are not certain we are aware of all of the accounts for…
Volunteer Evaluators & Student Privacy
Hello everyone - we are looking to update some of our policies for scholarships, and specifically one for our volunteer evaluators that addresses student privacy. Our evaluators access the students applications through SLM, but I do know some of them print the forms out to review. We want to ensure proper destroying of the…
Who is coding nonprofits by sector AND by services provided?
Hello Foundant community, I am fairly new to Foundant. When the time comes to tell a "story" about where your grants were allocated, what system do you use to pull the data? Do you code in c-suite and GLM? Do you have more than one field that allows for multiple codes per grant allowing you to filter by both sectors of…
Greetings from New York's Hudson Valley!
Hi all - happy to be in a new position as the Director of Planned Giving with Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley! Looking forward to the time when I can get back into our community and actually meet donors, professional advisors, nonprofits, and co-workers in person. In the meantime I'm in the process of taking a…
Has your foundation or funder sponsored a DEI training? If so, please share details.
Our Foundation launched a DEI competitive funding opportunity in 2020 to focus on four focus areas: Employment, Advocacy, Economic Development and Nonprofit Capacity. Due to a high volume of request for DEI training, we are researching options and opportunities. If your Foundation and/or Funder has sponsored a DEI…
Experience administering business relief grants - specifically CDBG-CV?
Good afternoon all, The Community Foundation of Abilene has agreed to administer small business relief grants, made available to our city through CDBG-CV funds. Do any of my peers have experience in this world, and would you be willing to share info/best practices? I'm happy to connect via phone or zoom. Thanks, Michelle…
Looking to connect with grant and program staff at community foundations in Illinois! I have added several contacts who I've chatted with already so we can keep the conversation going about grantmaking strategies and ideas for innovation. My role is the Director of Program Services at The Community Foundation for McHenry…
Fees Associated With Hosting Applications
I am the Scholarship and Programs Associate for a Community Foundation in Georgia. Our scholarship portfolio is small. We have funds with their own grant or scholarship process with us only providing a link on our site while others ask us to manage the entire application and selection process for them. As we continue to…
Online Webinars
Hi! I wanted to know if any of you all can recommend sites that offer great webinars (community foundation related). I enjoy the Coffee talks and also Bloomberg webinars but wanted to see if you all know of any other great sites that offer webinars. I appreciate your responses. Take care. Interested in webinars about Donor…