Segregated Accounts - Performance Reporting
Any organizations using a program like Morningstar or Black Diamond to produce performance reporting of their investment pools or segregated accounts? If not, how is your organization preparing investment performance reports?
Impact Charitable is hiring an Accounting Manager
Please see attached details of a full-time hybrid position in Denver, Colorado. Interested individuals should send cover letter and resume to Emily Allred, Finance & Investment Director at emily@impactcharitable.org by May 22, 2023. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.
Sales Tax on auctions - California
We are a new Foundation. We are located in California, which does not grant exemption to sales tax to non-profits. We have had a couple of auctions and have received some items from local retailers to auction. I am confused about the regulations. How do others report the basis for sales tax on tangible items where the…
Email Tax Receipts Best Practice
Hi there - we want to start emailing more tax receipts from donations to lower costs (printing, postage, etc.). However, our first stab at using this was extremely clunky. Does anyone have a process they use that they could share? We will be working to collect emails - but in the meantime we need to email what we can, and…
Conflict of Interest - Board Members awarding grants other Non-Profits where they serve on a Board
Our auditors are asking us to compile a list of grants made by Board members (via their DAF or Designated Funds) to other non-profits where they sit on the Board. Has anyone done this and if so, how do you go about generating a report out of CSuite? Thanks.
Do you have a grant administrator to handle project management (financial & compliance)?
Looking for a job description I can tweak. We will be expanding our grants team of 2 grant writers and adding a grant administrator. Also would love to hear what your experience has been having someone in this role.
Do you accept Crypto and who is your clearinghouse?
We've been approached a handful of times by individuals who want to gift us crypto currency and we would like to accept it after it's been converted to cash. Do any of you work with organizations that turn crypto to cash for a small fee? Do you like working with them? Are their fees reasonable? Are they on the "up and up"?…
Gift Entry for Checks from Retirement distributions and from Estates
Good morning, I have two questions and am looking for best practices or suggestions for both: For a check from a retirement distribution that comes from the financial company, do you treat that like a soft credit and enter the finance company as the donor and then the donor as Donor Advisor? It seems like since the company…
Director, Finance wanted for Central Carolina Community Foundation - Columbia, SC
Please see the attached for details on a great opportunity in Columbia, SC
ACH-verify bank information
Hello, I am curious to find out how often other foundations verify bank information if grantees are set up to receive grant payment via ACH and we only grant them once or twice a year. Who verifies the account and routing number (Grants coordinators or Finance dep.) and how (email or call)? Thank you,
Market Earnings as Spendable
We have a policy that allows our DAFs to earmark a portion of their gift(s) as endowment OR spendable (or both). In the event of market gains and based on the way Foundant's Fund Advisor Portal portrays details, any market earnings do not show up on the Fund Holder's landing page. That causes confusion. Similarly, we…
Bequest Valuation - Stepped Up or DOD
Hello! Can you tell me what your auditors recommend for valuing a probated noncash gift, such as stock? From what I understand you can do a stepped up value or a date of death value. Thank you! Missy Belles Whatcom Community Foundation
Finance administrator part time
We are a small CF team in Ohio, looking for an amazing part time person who is a CSuite pro. I've attached the job description but the quick info is: Remote Part-time / 8-12 hours hours a week (flexibility on how that's divided up) AP, AR, bank recon (all in csuite), Audit Letters associated with above tasks (thank you's…
Navigating a New Normal for Accounting Processes and Roles
Thank you to everyone who joined us yesterday for our Finance Coffee Talk: New Normal for Accounting Processes and Roles. There were many great discussions, including how to transition to ACH payments and make that process as seamless as possible. We are creating this discussion space to continue these conversations.…
Payroll Service Providers
We are migrating to CSuite from Quickbooks which included payroll processing. Since we will need a different Payroll Service provider going forward, I am wondering if anyone has a recommendation. Our needs are simple at this point with 3 staff (One is salaried, Two are hourly). We do not currently have any paid benefits to…