Gift Entry for Checks from Retirement distributions and from Estates

Good morning,
I have two questions and am looking for best practices or suggestions for both:
- For a check from a retirement distribution that comes from the financial company, do you treat that like a soft credit and enter the finance company as the donor and then the donor as Donor Advisor? It seems like since the company is just distributing the check they do not need to be entered or credited.
- When you receive the check for the resolution of an estate, do you enter it on the deceased record? How are you connecting the executor of the estate?
Thanks for any help you can offer.
Have a great day.
Mary Ellen
Best Answer
Hi @MaryEllenCenzalli, we enter the QCDs from IRAs as a donation from the individual, not as from the financial institution. But that soft credit idea is an interesting way to handle those! We might consider that instead. For trusts & estates we create a separate organization profile for the estate or trust and connect that record with the deceased. The executor is named as contact on the estate profile.
Hi @MaryEllenCenzalli, we enter the QCDs from IRAs as a donation from the individual, not as from the financial institution. But that soft credit idea is an interesting way to handle those! We might consider that instead. For trusts & estates we create a separate organization profile for the estate or trust and connect that record with the deceased. The executor is named as contact on the estate profile.