Donations Postmarked before End of Year
What are your common practices for inputting donations that have been postmarked before the end of the year, but are not deposited to the bank until the New Year?
Is there anyone willing to share their Grant Review Committees job description?
Hello - looking to institute an external review committee and wondered if anyone might be willing to share a job description example. Thank you in advance.
Ending grantee relationships, shifting strategies
Hi folks, I'm looking to connect with other community foundation colleagues who have undergone strategy shifts that made significant changes to grant processes (e.g., decreased grant amounts, sunsetting previous grantee relationships that no longer are strategy aligned). We are shifting discretionary resources to…
Is your Foundation using a Letter of Intent to screen grant applicants? If yes, how?
Hello! I am the new Community Investment Officer at the Hamilton Community Foundation. We are considering using a Letter of Intent in our grant application. Does your Foundation use a Letter of Intent, and if yes, how are you using it? Can anyone provide their question list? Does the Letter of Intent streamline the…
Scholarship Grant Press Release
Do any of your community foundation's do a post-scholarship grant award press release? If so, what kind of information do you share and more importantly does it get published? 😂 Any examples are appreciated!
How does your Foundation assess Final Reports from nonprofit and government agency grantees?
Hello! I am the new Community Investment Officer at the Hamilton Community Foundation. I'm curious how other foundations evaluate Final Reports from nonprofit and government agency grantees? We currently ask for the following: Project Goals and Anticipated Outcomes, Attainment of Goals and Lessons Learned, and Measurement…
Categorizing Grants
I'm trying to figure out an effective method to tag grants within my various processes (both ongoing and past) so that I can categorize them based off of the social issues targeted. One idea I have is using the reporting feature to filter out certain grants but I wonder if I can achieve a tagging outside of this feature I…
Scholarship Thank You
We require the students to write their "thank you to the donors" on the follow-up form when they claim their scholarship. If they received more than one scholarship, they write one thank you. I attach the letter and email it to the donors/fund advisors. I'm curious on how others handle thank you letters. This is our second…
Best practice for inviting applicants to apply
I am working with a Foundation that is implementing Foundant. Although they will import historical data, that will happen after go-live. Currently, they offer a single stage, invite only application. We've been exploring the options for inviting applicants to apply, and would like to poll other foundations for their best…
All things Trust Based Philanthropy Discussion
Big thank you to all of those that joined me and @RikkaHoliday for our Coffee Talk this morning about Trust-Based Philanthropy. Bringing the conversation here to hopefully keep things going! Below are the resources shared on our talk. Feel free to use this thread or start a new thread with any of your lingering questions…