Stripe Fees
I was curious if anyone has stripe fees going into a separate fund at your organization versus going back into the fund the donor is making the donation to. If you do, is it your operations fund or did you create a new fund? I'm also curious if other foundations are covering the cost of the stripe fee if the donor doesn't…
Fund admin fees, minimums, and $ to open a fund?
Hi fellow community foundation folks! Would you be willing to share the admin fees for your funds, fund minimums, if you accept pass-thru funds or only endowments, and whether people need $ up front to open a fund? We are reassessing our fee policies and hearing from you would be hugely helpful. Thanks in advance!
Credit Card Services for Managed Funds
For fundholders that fundraise to grow their fund, do you pass on the credit card fees to the fund? If so, how and when do you expense the fee to the fund (a quarterly journal entry, manual admin fee…)?
3rd Party Grant Management Fee
One of our partners (the city where we are located) has asked us about managing one of their grant programs. Now that we have GLM (just went live last month) this is a much easier concept and I’m wondering if anyone has any experience doing that in their city? Does anyone have experience in charging a fee for service, by…
Adjust admin fees; set admin fee max
Hello all, I'm trying to 1) make adjustments to the 3Q2022 admin fees on just 9 of our 86 agency funds and 2) trying to figure out how to set a maximum fee charged to our agency fund fee groups per fiscal year. We have two fund fee groups that we've agreed to charge a maximum of $10,000 per fiscal year on these fee groups.…
Scholarship Fund Management Questions
I am trying to gauge what other community foundations are doing to manage their scholarship funds. What is your minimum amount to start a fund? Ours is $50k currently but we want to make sure that the awards from the endowment (usually 4%) are large enough to be worth it to students, so we are looking to raise this…
Family Foundation - Unrestricted DAF
Hi, Our foundation is looking to expand our fund offerings to include a Family Foundation (essentially a Unrestricted DAF). The option has been requested by two different families who wish to establish a fund over $1 million and grant out based on a grant and/or RFP cycle. The fund would have high influx of the principal…
Do your (DAF) fund fees contribute to discretionary grantmaking?
Hi Compass, Triangle Community Foundation is looking to benchmark our funding peers who attribute a part of their fund fees directly into their discretionary grantmaking program. This has arisen as one of many potential ways to operationalize our values of equity and community directly into our fund policies. What, if any,…