Searching for Nonprofit Surveys from Community Foundations
Hello, Our Community Foundation is expanding our Nonprofit Capacity Building. We would like to survey our nonprofits to determine: nonprofit size in our community, staff, budgets, role (arts, animal welfare, etc), board demographics/need, facility needs, current funding streams, desired funding streams, nonprofit…
Drivers and Barriers to Funding for Youth Well-Being: Survey
Mindful Philanthropy is seeking funders of all backgrounds and issue areas to complete this 3 minute survey on the current drivers and barriers to funding the well-being of our nations’ youth. After seeing our young people struggling to cope with the aftermath of the pandemic and rising school violence, we’re attempting to…
Community Indicator Reports
Hi all! I received lots of good help and feedback on my last post, so I thought I'd post again. We are looking in to conducting a community indicator report/needs assessment for our region. I know a lot of other foundations have engaged in this area, so I would love to hear any thoughts on best practices! Any information…
CFC (Canada) Grants Survey
I was just filling out the Community Foundation of Canada 2019 Grants Survey. I realize we have Groups, Subgroups and Divisions in the Fund area. In Profile area we have Profile Types. Is there any where in Grants/Grantees to give them an additional designation, i.e., Education, Health and Wellness, Arts and Culture and…
Scholarships - Survey of Applicants, Evaluators
Hi all, I really appreciated attending the Foundant Coffee Talk last week. We are considering sending a survey to our applicants about their application experience. We will also be having discussions with our Evaluators regarding this last scholarship cycle. If you already survey your applicants and evaluators, what are…