Scholarships - Survey of Applicants, Evaluators
Posts: 17 ✭✭✭
Hi all,
I really appreciated attending the Foundant Coffee Talk last week.
We are considering sending a survey to our applicants about their application experience.
We will also be having discussions with our Evaluators regarding this last scholarship cycle.
If you already survey your applicants and evaluators, what are the questions you use?
I will also add here - we have scholarships available for all ages of students from our city. They apply by what type of institution they will be attending: undergraduate, graduate, community college, and vocational scholarships.
Our evaluators consists of a team of volunteers. We have an anonymous review process.
Hi @DanielleFleer!
As a former admin, we would ask our evaluators generally how they felt the process went; what worked, what didn't, what questions did you feel were/weren't really necessary on the forms, etc. I have found just asking those simple questions first leads to a good dialogue with your evaluators, and helps you improve the process overall!