Scholarship Successor Advisors?
Hello everyone! Our scholarship program at The Findlay-Hancock County Community Foundation is celebrating 30 years and we are starting to have a generational shift. The individuals who signed the original fund agreements would like to "pass their scholarship" on to the next generation of their family. What policies do you…
Coffee Talk: Funding Displacement and Scholarship Awarding Process
Thank you to everyone who joined us today to talk all things scholarships and the awards process! Below are some other resources on scholarship displacement that you can take a look at! Use this space to continue the discussion!
ACH Scholarship payments
Hello All, We've moved our grant payments to ACH, and now we're working on using ACH for scholarship payments. In the past, we mailed a check for each student award along with a cover letter. Sometimes that meant sending 10 or more checks and letters in one envelope to the school. For those of you currently using ACH for…
Out of Country Scholarships
Hello! Does your Foundation have a policy for scholarships when the University is out of the country? For example, a US student, that meets all of the requirements of the scholarship, but the University they are planning to attend is located in a different country. (Note: This is not a Study Abroad program). How do you…
District Wide Common Scholarship Application Software
Hello! Has anyone successfully partnered with other scholarship providers in their area to put application processes from different organizations onto the same software? The vision is a scholarship software solution for the entire school district so there is just one place that students go to fill out scholarship…
Scholarship Review Process
We have a difficult time recruiting volunteers to sit on the scholarship review committee. At this time, all reviewers score all of the applications (300+). How does anyone split the applications up so each reviewer isn't required to score/read all 300+ applications?
Is NSPA membership worth it?
Hi! Is anyone a member of the National Scholarship Providers Association (NSPA) and thinks it is worth it as a scholarship provider? If yes, what would you say are the main benefits? If you were a member and cancelled your membership, why did you cancel? Thank you for any feedback you can provide!
External Scholarship Committees
We are in the process of switching from FIMS to SLM (yeah!!). Our current scholarship system entails a separate committee for each scholarship managed internally. We will be streamlining these to a general committee and some focused on specific fields of interest (i.e. all medical related scholarships will share a…
Scholarships to a for-profit school
Hi everyone, We have an org fund that is the "friends of," or fundraising arm of a for-profit school. The "Friends of" Fund wants to distribute scholarships to the for-profit school to eligible students. Do any of you manage anything similar to this scenario? Thanks for any insight! Lori Sellers Trenholm Director of…
Hiring new Program Associate
Hi all, The Community Foundation of Northern Illinois is looking for a new member of our grants team to oversee our scholarship process (among other things). You can find all the details at: Thanks for sharing!